YOikonomos, G. „Κερητίζοντες“. Archaiologikon Deltion 6 (1920–1921): 56–59; there are clear depictions of the game, but the identification with the name κερητίζειν is disputed (Wayback Machine saytida 25 December 2014 sanasida arxivlangan) (English summary).
YOikonomos, G. „Κερητίζοντες“. Archaiologikon Deltion 6 (1920–1921): 56–59; there are clear depictions of the game, but the identification with the name κερητίζειν is disputed (Wayback Machine saytida 25 December 2014 sanasida arxivlangan) (English summary).
YOikonomos, G. „Κερητίζοντες“. Archaiologikon Deltion 6 (1920–1921): 56–59; there are clear depictions of the game, but the identification with the name κερητίζειν is disputed (Wayback Machine saytida 25 December 2014 sanasida arxivlangan) (English summary).