Regnault, V. (1839) "De l'action du chlore sur les éthers hydrochloriques de l'alcool et de l'esprit de bois, et de plusieurs points de la théorie des éthers" (On the action of chlorine on the hydrochloric ethers of ethanol and methanol, and on several points of the theory of ethers), Annales de chimie et physique, series 2, 71: 353–431; see especially: "Seconde partie. De l'action du chlore sur l'éther hydrochlorique de l'esprit de bois" (Second part. On the action of chlorine on the hydrochloric ether of methanol [i.e., chloromethane]), pages 377–380. Regnault gives dichloromethane the name éther hydrochlorique monochloruré (monochlorinated hydrochloric ether). Note: Regnault gives the empirical formula for dichloromethane as C2H4Cl4 because during that era, chemists used incorrect atomic masses.
Reprinted in German in:
Nozari, M. S.; Jensen, C. D.; Drago, R. S. (1973). „Eliminating solvation contributions to the enthalpy of adduct formation in weakly polar, acidic solvents“. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 95-jild, № 10. 3162–3165-bet. doi:10.1021/ja00791a015.
Lorenna Machado, Marie Magnusson, Nicholas Paul, Nigel Tomkins (2016). „Identification of bioactives from the red seaweed Asparagopsis taxiformis that promote antimethanogenic activity in vitro“. Journal of Applied Phycology. 28-jild, № 5. 3117–3126-bet. doi:10.1007/s10811-016-0830-7.{{cite magazine}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list ()