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Csutora.„The ecological footprint of green and brown consumers. Introducing the behaviour-impact-gap (BIG) problem“. European Round Table on Sustainable Consumption and Production (ERSCP) 2012. 15th European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production. — „The research found no significant difference between the carbon footprints of green and brown consumers suggesting that individual environmental behaviour does not always modify consumption patterns significantly.“. 2019-yil 19-oktyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2018-yil 13-fevral.
Analysis of the potential of the Ecological Footprint and related assessment tools for use in the EU’s Thematic Strategy on the Sustainable Use of Natural Resources is available at: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/natres/studies.htm
Alden Wicker. „Conscious consumerism is a lie. Here's a better way to help save the world“. Quartz (2017-yil 1-mart). Qaraldi: 2018-yil 13-fevral. „A 2012 study compared footprints of "green" consumers who try to make eco-friendly choices to the footprints of regular consumers. And they found no meaningful difference between the two.“.
David Roberts. „Wealthier people produce more carbon pollution — even the "green" ones“. Vox (2017-yil 1-dekabr). Qaraldi: 2018-yil 13-fevral. „Environmental identity will lead to some relatively low-impact (high-signaling) pro-environmental behaviors, but it rarely drives serious reductions in the biggest sources of lifestyle emissions. Environmental self-identification rises with income, but so do emissions. (A 2012 study and a 2013 study, both based on a survey in Hungary, found roughly the same thing.)“.
Csutora.„The ecological footprint of green and brown consumers. Introducing the behaviour-impact-gap (BIG) problem“. European Round Table on Sustainable Consumption and Production (ERSCP) 2012. 15th European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production. — „The research found no significant difference between the carbon footprints of green and brown consumers suggesting that individual environmental behaviour does not always modify consumption patterns significantly.“. 2019-yil 19-oktyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2018-yil 13-fevral.
Yasin, Iftikhar; Ahmad, Nawaz; Chaudhary, M. Aslam (2019-07-22). "Catechizing the Environmental-Impression of Urbanization, Financial Development, and Political Institutions: A Circumstance of Ecological Footprints in 110 Developed and Less-Developed Countries" (en). Social Indicators Research147 (2): 621–649. doi:10.1007/s11205-019-02163-3. ISSN0303-8300.
Bradshaw, Corey J. A.; Ehrlich, Paul R.; Beattie, Andrew; Ceballos, Gerardo; Crist, Eileen; Diamond, Joan; Dirzo, Rodolfo; Ehrlich, Anne H. et al. (2021). "Underestimating the Challenges of Avoiding a Ghastly Future". Frontiers in Conservation Science1. doi:10.3389/fcosc.2020.615419. ISSN2673-611X.
D'Odorico, Paolo; Davis, Kyle Frankel; Rosa, Lorenzo; Carr, Joel A.; Chiarelli, Davide; Dell'Angelo, Jampel; Gephart, Jessica; MacDonald, Graham K. et al. (2018-07-24). "The Global Food-Energy-Water Nexus". Reviews of Geophysics56 (3): 456–531. doi:10.1029/2017rg000591. ISSN8755-1209.
Lin, David; Hanscom, Laurel; Murthy, Adeline; Galli, Alessandro; Evans, Mikel; Neill, Evan; Mancini, Maria Serena; Martindill, Jon et al. (2018). "Ecological Footprint Accounting for Countries: Updates and Results of the National Footprint Accounts, 2012–2018" (en). Resources7 (3): 58. doi:10.3390/resources7030058. ISSN2079-9276.
van den Bergh, Jeroen C.J.M; Grazi, Fabio (2014). "Ecological Footprint Policy? Land Use as an Environmental Indicator". Journal of Industrial Ecology18 (1): 10–19. doi:10.1111/jiec.12045. ISSN1088-1980.
Newman, Peter (October 2006). "The environmental impact of cities" (en). Environment and Urbanization18 (2): 275–295. doi:10.1177/0956247806069599. ISSN0956-2478.