„Sevinch Team achievements“ (oʻzbekcha). pfcsevinch.uz. — „Sevinch professional football club became the country's champion for the 12th time in the 2016 season and the Uzbekistan Cup for the ninth time in its history.“. 27-fevral 2018-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 11-sentabr 2017-yil.
„Sevinch Team achievements“ (oʻzbekcha). pfcsevinch.uz. — „Sevinch professional football club became the country's champion for the 12th time in the 2016 season and the Uzbekistan Cup for the ninth time in its history.“. 27-fevral 2018-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 11-sentabr 2017-yil.