Sylt, Christian„Disney Reveals Guardians Of The Galaxy Was Over Budget At $232 Million“. Forbes (2015-yil 27-yanvar). — „The Disney company behind the movie is named Infinity Works Productions after the object at the heart of the film. Last week it released financial statements for the 10 months to 31 August 2014 which show that costs came to $87.4 million bringing the total to $232.3 million. [...] Britain's tax authority H.M. Revenue & Customs (HMRC) has handed Disney a total of $36.4 million for Guardians of the Galaxy alone.“. 2015-yil 30-yanvarda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2015-yil 30-yanvar.
Sylt, Christian„Disney Reveals Guardians Of The Galaxy Was Over Budget At $232 Million“. Forbes (2015-yil 27-yanvar). — „The Disney company behind the movie is named Infinity Works Productions after the object at the heart of the film. Last week it released financial statements for the 10 months to 31 August 2014 which show that costs came to $87.4 million bringing the total to $232.3 million. [...] Britain's tax authority H.M. Revenue & Customs (HMRC) has handed Disney a total of $36.4 million for Guardians of the Galaxy alone.“. 2015-yil 30-yanvarda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2015-yil 30-yanvar.