Kayf (Uzbek Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Kayf" in Uzbek language version.

Global rank Uzbek rank
3rd place
4th place
low place
6,310th place
1st place
1st place


  • Sravnitelno pozdnyaya sitata: „But perhaps what gives more than anything else the impression that the Turk is fundamentally indolent is the fact that all his recreation consists of repose… His [the nomad’s] idea of bliss — what he calls keif — is to recline in the shade, smoking and listening to the soothing murmur of running water“. Eliot, Sir Charles (1908), Turkey in Europe (2-nashr), E. Arnold, 96–97-bet
  • von Hammer, Joseph (6-mart 1819-yil), „Travels in Asiatic Turkey“, The London Literary Gazette, and Journal of Belles Lettres, Arts, Sciences, etc, H. Colburn, № 111, 150-bet{{citation}}: CS1 maint: date and year () CS1 maint: date format () ( at books.google.com Error: unknown archive URL 20210125021944 sanasida arxivlangan). Originalniy nemeskiy tekst, v: von Hammer-Purgstall, Freiherr Joseph (1818), Umblick auf einer Reise von Constantinopel nach Brussa und dem Olympos und von da zurück über Nicäa und Nicomedien, Hartleben, 22-bet.

