Smith, Sid.. „August Rush (Oliver Twist reset in N.Y.) — 2 stars“ (2007-yil 21-noyabr). 2007-yil 12-dekabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2007-yil 15-dekabr. „Turn to the master, Charles Dickens, or better yet, update and recycle him. Such must have been the thinking behind August Rush, a thinly disguised retelling of Oliver Twist, transplanted to contemporary New York and sweetened by a theme of the healing magic of music.“.
Covert, Colin.. „Movie review: Romanticism trumps reason in Rush“ (2007-yil 20-noyabr). 2012-yil 10-aprelda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2007-yil 15-dekabr. „If Charles Dickens were alive today, he might be writing projects like August Rush, the unabashedly sentimental tale of a plucky orphan lad who falls in with streetwise urchins as he seeks the family he ought to have. Come to think of it, Dickens did write that one, and called it Oliver Twist.“.
Smith, Sid.. „August Rush (Oliver Twist reset in N.Y.) — 2 stars“ (2007-yil 21-noyabr). 2007-yil 12-dekabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2007-yil 15-dekabr. „Turn to the master, Charles Dickens, or better yet, update and recycle him. Such must have been the thinking behind August Rush, a thinly disguised retelling of Oliver Twist, transplanted to contemporary New York and sweetened by a theme of the healing magic of music.“.
Covert, Colin.. „Movie review: Romanticism trumps reason in Rush“ (2007-yil 20-noyabr). 2012-yil 10-aprelda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2007-yil 15-dekabr. „If Charles Dickens were alive today, he might be writing projects like August Rush, the unabashedly sentimental tale of a plucky orphan lad who falls in with streetwise urchins as he seeks the family he ought to have. Come to think of it, Dickens did write that one, and called it Oliver Twist.“.