„Jamia Markaz India: A saga of trust and tradition“. Saudigazette (2016-yil 2-aprel). — „Jamia Markaz is the largest Islamic University in India. Its chancellor, the prominent Islamic scholar Sheikh Abubaker Ahmed, one of the 500 most influential world Muslim leaders, ranked by the Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Center of Amman, is a multifaceted scholar-leader of rare calibre. He maintains a marvelous bond with the scholars, rulers, diplomats and countries internationally.“. Qaraldi: 2020-yil 6-mart.
„Musliyars from God's own country turn lawyers“. The Times Headline (2019-yil 2-noyabr). — „Jamia Markaz (Islamic seminary) was established in 1978 in a sprawling campus at Karanthur in Kozhikode grew from strength to strength to emerge as a centre of social, cultural progress as well as educational excellence for the entire communities across the country as a whole Muslims in particular.“. 2021-yil 23-aprelda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2020-yil 6-mart.
„Musliyars from God's own country turn lawyers“. The Times Headline (2019-yil 2-noyabr). — „Jamia Markaz (Islamic seminary) was established in 1978 in a sprawling campus at Karanthur in Kozhikode grew from strength to strength to emerge as a centre of social, cultural progress as well as educational excellence for the entire communities across the country as a whole Muslims in particular.“. 2021-yil 23-aprelda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2020-yil 6-mart.