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„Top 10 ways to enjoy watermelon“. Produce for Better Health Foundation, Centers for Disease Control, US National Institutes of Health (2017). 2017-yil 29-iyulda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2017-yil 9-may.
Renner, Susanne S.; Wu, Shan; Pérez-Escobar, Oscar A.; Silber, Martina V.; Fei, Zhangjun; Chomicki, Guillaume (2021-05-24) "A chromosome-level genome of a Kordofan melon illuminates the origin of domesticated watermelons" Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences118 (23): e2101486118 ISSN0027-8424PMID34031154.
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„Watermelon“. g Marketing Resource Center, US Department of Agriculture, Iowa State University (2017). 2017-yil 30-iyulda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2017-yil 9-may.
„Top 10 ways to enjoy watermelon“. Produce for Better Health Foundation, Centers for Disease Control, US National Institutes of Health (2017). 2017-yil 29-iyulda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2017-yil 9-may.
Renner, Susanne S.; Wu, Shan; Pérez-Escobar, Oscar A.; Silber, Martina V.; Fei, Zhangjun; Chomicki, Guillaume (2021-05-24) "A chromosome-level genome of a Kordofan melon illuminates the origin of domesticated watermelons" Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences118 (23): e2101486118 ISSN0027-8424PMID34031154.