Michael F. Fay, Katherine Borland, Stranc, P., Chase, M. W. 2001, Phylogenetics of the genus Tulipa (Liliaceae): evidence from five plastid DNA regions. Botany 2001 Abstracts, 112 (http://www.botany2001.org/botany2001b.pdf (Wayback Machine saytida 2016-03-04 sanasida arxivlangan)); Maarten J. M. Christenhusz, Rafaël Govaerts, John C. David, Tony Hall, Katherine Borland, Penelope S. Roberts, Anne Tuomisto, Sven Buerki, Mark W. Chase, Michael F. Fay, Tiptoe through the tulips – cultural history, molecular phylogenetics and classification of Tulipa (Liliaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 172, 2013, 289, but compare Mine Turktaş, Özge Karakaş Metin, Berk Baştuğ, Fahriye Ertuğrul, Yasemin Izgi Saraç, Erdal Kaya, Molecular phylogenetic analysis of Tulipa (Liliaceae) based on noncoding plastid and nuclear DNA sequences with an emphasis on Turkey. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 172, 2013, 270–279 for different results
„Tulipa sprengeri“. www.rhs.org. Royal Horticultural Society. Qaraldi: 2021-yil 5-mart.
Michael F. Fay, Katherine Borland, Stranc, P., Chase, M. W. 2001, Phylogenetics of the genus Tulipa (Liliaceae): evidence from five plastid DNA regions. Botany 2001 Abstracts, 112 (http://www.botany2001.org/botany2001b.pdf (Wayback Machine saytida 2016-03-04 sanasida arxivlangan)); Maarten J. M. Christenhusz, Rafaël Govaerts, John C. David, Tony Hall, Katherine Borland, Penelope S. Roberts, Anne Tuomisto, Sven Buerki, Mark W. Chase, Michael F. Fay, Tiptoe through the tulips – cultural history, molecular phylogenetics and classification of Tulipa (Liliaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 172, 2013, 289, but compare Mine Turktaş, Özge Karakaş Metin, Berk Baştuğ, Fahriye Ertuğrul, Yasemin Izgi Saraç, Erdal Kaya, Molecular phylogenetic analysis of Tulipa (Liliaceae) based on noncoding plastid and nuclear DNA sequences with an emphasis on Turkey. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 172, 2013, 270–279 for different results