Singh, Shubhranshu„Wikipedia–The Utopia that Survived and Thrived“ (en). BW (2021-yil 25-aprel). — „Wikipedia began with its first edit on 15 January 2001, two days after the domain was registered by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger.“. Qaraldi: 2022-yil 23-yanvar.
Starling, Tim [tstarling at].„[Foundation-l Old Wikipedia Backups Discovered“] (en). (2010-yil 14-dekabr). — „I was looking through some old files in our SourceForge project. I opened a file called wiki.tar.gz, and inside were three complete backups of the text of Wikipedia, from February, March and August 2001! / This is exciting, because there is lots of article history in here which was assumed to be lost forever.“.