韓國女性關係資料集: 中世篇(中) [Collection of Korean Women's Relations: Middle Ages (Part 2)] (bằng tiếng Hàn). Ewha Womans University Women's Research Center: Ewha Womans University Press. 1985. tr. 16. ISBN9788973000432.
Ebrey & Walthall 2014Lỗi harv: không có mục tiêu: CITEREFEbreyWalthall2014 (trợ giúp), [2], tr. 171, tại Google Books: Liao forces invaded Goryeo territory in 993. Instead of pushing for total victory, the Khitans negotiated a peace that forced Goryeo to adopt the Liao calendar and end tributary relations with Song (a violation of King Taejo's testamentary injunction never to make peace with the Khitan)."
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