Chủ nghĩa cộng sản vô trị (Vietnamese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Chủ nghĩa cộng sản vô trị" in Vietnamese language version.

Global rank Vietnamese rank
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321st place
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163rd place
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1,747th place
1,247th place
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59th place
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24th place
38th place

  • "Jiménez evitó ahondar demasiado en sus críticas hacia la naturaleza abiertamente marxista de algunas partes de la Plataforma, limitándose a aludir a la crítica de Santillán en La Protesta, que afirmaba que los rusos no habían sido el único grupo responsable de permitir la infiltración de las ideas marxistas, lo que iba claramente dirigido a los sindicalistas de España17. Jiménez aceptó que la Plataforma había sido un intento encomiable de resolver el eterno problema de la desunión dentro de las filas anarquistas, pero consideraba que el programa ruso tenía sus defectos. La Plataforma se basaba en una premisa errónea sobre la naturaleza de las tendencias dentro del movimiento anarquista: dividía a los anarquistas en dos grupos diferentes, individualistas y comunistas, y con ello rechazaba la influencia de los primeros y proponía la unificación del movimiento anarquista en torno a la ideas de los segundos. Jiménez afirmaba que la realidad era mucho más compleja: esas diferentes tendencias dentro del movimiento anarquista no eran contradictorias ni excluyentes. Por ejemplo, era posible encontrar elementos en ambos grupos que apoyaran las tácticas del anarcosindicalismo. Por tanto, rechazaba el principal argumento de los plataformistas según el cual las diferentes tendencias se excluían entre sí." Jason Garner. "La búsqueda de la unidad anarquista: la Federación Anarquista Ibérica antes de la II República." Lưu trữ 2012-10-31 tại Wayback Machine
  • "Debido a sus contactos e influencia con el movimiento del exilio español, la propuesta de Faure arraigó más en los círculos españoles que la Plataforma, y fue publicada en las prensas libertarias tanto en España como en Bélgica25. En esencia, Faure intentaba reunir a la familia anarquista sin imponer la rígida estructura que proponía la Plataforma, y en España se aceptó así. Opuesta a la situación de Francia, en España la influencia del anarquismo individualista no fue un motivo serio de ruptura. Aunque las ideas de ciertos individualistas como Han Ryner y Émile Armand tuvieron cierto impacto sobre el anarquismo español, afectaron sólo a aspectos como el sexo y el amor libre."Jason Garner. "La búsqueda de la unidad anarquista: la Federación Anarquista Ibérica antes de la II República." Lưu trữ 2012-10-31 tại Wayback Machine

  • Kinna, Ruth (2012). The Bloomsbury Companion to Anarchism. Bloomsbury Academic. p. 329.
  • Hodges, Donald C. (2014). Sandino's Communism: Spiritual Politics for the Twenty-First Century. "Introduction". p. 3. University of Texas Press.
  • Wetherly, Paul (2017). Political Ideologies. Oxford University Press. pp. 130, 137, 424.
  • Iliopoulos, Christos (2019). Nietzsche & Anarchism: An Elective Affinity and a Nietzschean Reading of the December '08 Revolt in Athens. Vernon Press. p. 35.
  • Bolloten, Burnett (1991). The Spanish Civil War: Revolution and Counterrevolution. UNC Press Books. tr. 65. ISBN 978-0-8078-1906-7. Truy cập ngày 25 tháng 3 năm 2011.
  • Wilczynski, J. (1981). An Encyclopedic Dictionary of Marxism, Socialism and Communism. Palgrave Macmillan. p. 293.
  • Pengam, Alain. "Anarcho-Communism". In Ribel, Maximilien; Crump, John, eds. (1987). Non-Market Socialism in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Palgrave Macmillan. p. 60.
  • From Politics Past to Politics Future: An Integrated Analysis of Current and Emergent Paradigms Alan James Mayne Published 1999 Greenwood Publishing Group 316 pages ISBN 0-275-96151-6. 1999. ISBN 978-0-275-96151-0. Truy cập ngày 20 tháng 9 năm 2010.
  • Anarchism for Know-It-Alls By Know-It-Alls For Know-It-Alls, For Know-It-Alls. Filiquarian Publishing, LLC. tháng 1 năm 2008. ISBN 978-1-59986-218-7. Truy cập ngày 20 tháng 9 năm 2010.[liên kết hỏng]

  • ÐropKick, Nickk (2014). Manifesto of a 21st Century Anarchist. Lulu. p. 136.
  • Wetherly, Paul (2017). Political Ideologies. Oxford University Press. pp. 130, 137, 424.

  • "The Agrarian law, or the partitioning of land, was the spontaneous demand of some unprincipled soldiers, of some towns moved more by their instinct than by reason. We lean towards something more sublime and more just: the common good or the community of property! No more individual property in land: the land belongs to no one. We demand, we want, the common enjoyment of the fruits of the land: the fruits belong to all". Sylvain Maréchal (1796). Manifesto of the Equals. Marxist Internet Archive.
  • Kropotkin, Peter. The Wages System. 1920. Also available here; quote: "Such, in a few words, is the organization which the Collectivists desire... their principles are: collective property in the instruments of labor and remuneration of each worker according to the time spent in productive toil, taking into account the productiveness of his work."
  • James Guillaume, Ideas on Social Organization.

  • "I see the dichotomies made between individualism and communism, individual revolt and class struggle, the struggle against human exploitation and the exploitation of nature as false dichotomies and feel that those who accept them are impoverishing their own critique and struggle". "My Perspectives" Lưu trữ 2010-12-02 tại Wayback Machine by Willful Disobedience Vol. 2, No. 12.

  • "Communism is the one which guarantees the greatest amount of individual liberty — provided that the idea that begets the community be Liberty, Anarchy...Communism guarantees economic freedom better than any other form of association, because it can guarantee wellbeing, even luxury, in return for a few hours of work instead of a day's work". "Communism and Anarchy" Lưu trữ 2021-10-23 tại Wayback Machine by Peter Kropotkin.
  • "Chapter 41: The Anarchists" Lưu trữ 2021-10-23 tại Wayback Machine in The Great French Revolution 1789-1793 by Peter Kropotkin.
  • "This process of education and class organization, more than any single factor in Spain, produced the collectives. And to the degree that the CNT-FAI (for the two organizations became fatally coupled after July 1936) exercised the major influence in an area, the collectives proved to be generally more durable, communist and resistant to Stalinist counterrevolution than other republican-held areas of Spain." Murray Bookchin Lưu trữ 2021-10-23 tại Wayback Machine. To Remember Spain: The Anarchist and Syndicalist Revolution of 1936]
  • Murray Bookchin Lưu trữ 2021-10-23 tại Wayback Machine. To Remember Spain: The Anarchist and Syndicalist Revolution of 1936
  • Alexander Berkman. What Is Communist Anarchism? [5]
  • "...whatever else may be said, this much is for sure: the welfare of humanity, which the future can and will bring, lies in communism. It excludes in logical ways all authority and servitude, and therefore equals anarchy." "Anarchist Communism" by Johann Most
  • Kropotkin, Peter. Communism and Anarchy. Bản gốc lưu trữ ngày 23 tháng 10 năm 2021. The second mistake lay in the desire to manage the community after the model of a family, to make it "the great family" They lived all in the same house and were thus forced to continuously meet the same "brethren and sisters." It is already difficult often for two real brothers to live together in the same house, and family life is not always harmonious; so it was a fundamental error to impose on all the "great family" instead of trying, on the contrary, to guarantee as much freedom and home life to each individual.
  • “Peter Kropotkin”. 13 tháng 1 năm 2017. Bản gốc lưu trữ ngày 23 tháng 10 năm 2021. Truy cập ngày 28 tháng 11 năm 2020.
  • Alexander Berkman. "What Is Communist Anarchism?" [7]

  • Price, Wayne (2002). "What is Anarchist Communism?". The Anarchist Library. Truy cập ngày 4 tháng 8 năm 2019.
  • "The Schism Between Individualist and Communist Anarchism" by Wendy McElroy.
  • Price, Wayne (2002). "What is Anarchist Communism?". The Anarchist Library. Truy cập ngày 4 tháng 8 năm 2019. "Instead, Kropotkin proposed that a large city, during a revolution, “could organize itself on the lines of free communism; the city guaranteeing to every inhabitant dwelling, food, and exchange for...five hour’s work; and...all those things which would be considered as luxuries might be obtained by everyone if he joins for the other half of the day all sorts of free associations....” (p.p. 118–119)".
  • "The revolution abolishes private ownership of the means of production and distribution, and with it goes capitalistic business. Personal possession remains only in the things you use. Thus, your watch is your own, but the watch factory belongs to the people."[1]Alexander Berkman. "Chủ nghĩa Cộng sản Vô chính phủ là gì?"
  • "Towards the creative Nothing" by Renzo Novatore
  • Post-left anarcho-communist Bob Black after analysing insurrectionary anarcho-communist Luigi Galleani's view on anarcho-communism went as far as saying that "communism is the final fulfillment of individualism...The apparent contradiction between individualism and communism rests on a misunderstanding of both...Subjectivity is also objective: the individual really is subjective. It is nonsense to speak of "emphatically prioritizing the social over the individual,"...You may as well speak of prioritizing the chicken over the egg. Anarchy is a "method of individualization." It aims to combine the greatest individual development with the greatest communal unity."Bob Black. Nightmares of Reason.
  • "This other society will be libertarian communism, in which social solidarity and free individuality find their full expression, and in which these two ideas develop in perfect harmony". Organisational Platform of the Libertarian Communists by Dielo Truda (Workers' Cause).
  • Ciancabilla, Giuseppe. "Against organization". “Bản sao đã lưu trữ”. Bản gốc lưu trữ ngày 28 tháng 11 năm 2010. Truy cập ngày 13 tháng 12 năm 2020.. Truy cập ngày 6 tháng 10 năm 2010.
  • "Tucker and other individualist anarchists argued in the pages of Liberty that anarchist communism was a misnomer because communism implied state authority and true anarchists were against all forms of authority, even the authority of small groups. To individualist anarchists, communistic anarchism, with its ideals of "to each according to need, from each according to ability," necessarily implied authority over others, because it did not privilege individual liberty as the highest virtue. But for anarchist communist, who saw economic freedom as central, individual liberty without food and shelter seemed impossible. Unlike the individualist tradition, whose ideas had had years of exposure through the English language anarchist press in America with the publication of The Word from 1872 to 1893 and Liberty from 1881 to 1908, communistic anarchism had not been advocated in any detail.""The Firebrand and the Forging of a New Anarchism: Anarchist Communism and Free Love" by Jessica Moran
  • Kropotkin, Peter. Communism and Anarchy. Bản gốc lưu trữ ngày 29 tháng 7 năm 2011. nearly all communities were founded by an almost religious wave of enthusiasm. People were asked to become "pioneers of humanity;" to submit to the dictates of a punctilious morality, to become quite regenerated by Communist life, to give all their time, hours of work and of leisure, to the community, to live entirely for the community. This meant acting simply like monks and to demand—without any necessity—men to be what they are not.
  • Kropotkin, Peter (1901). “Communism and Anarchy”. Truy cập ngày 18 tháng 9 năm 2016.
  • The Theory of the Individual: Stirner's Savage Thought. ngày 20 tháng 8 năm 1998. Truy cập ngày 20 tháng 9 năm 2010.
  • "At Daggers Drawn with the Existent, its Defenders and its False Critics" by anonymous”. ngày 11 tháng 12 năm 1905. Truy cập ngày 20 tháng 9 năm 2010.
  • Bob Black, Nightmares of Reason.

  • "The first Adam is the wisdom and power of flesh broke out and sate down in the chair of rule and dominion, in one part of mankind over another. And this is the beginner of particular interest, buying and selling the earth from one particular hand to another, saying, This is mine, upholding this particular propriety by a law of government of his own making, and thereby restraining other fellow creatures from seeking nourishment from their mother earth. So that though a man was bred up in a Land, yet he must not worke for himself where he would sit down. But from Adam; that is, for such a one that had bought part of the Land, or came to it by inheritance of his deceased parents, and called it his own Land: So that he that had no Land, was to work for those for small wages, that called the Land theirs; and thereby some are lifted up into the chair of tyranny, and others trod under the foot-stool of misery, as if the earth were made for a few, no for all men". Gerrard Winstanley (1649). The New Law of Righteousness.

  • Kropotkin, Peter. Communism and Anarchy. Bản gốc lưu trữ ngày 29 tháng 7 năm 2011. nearly all communities were founded by an almost religious wave of enthusiasm. People were asked to become "pioneers of humanity;" to submit to the dictates of a punctilious morality, to become quite regenerated by Communist life, to give all their time, hours of work and of leisure, to the community, to live entirely for the community. This meant acting simply like monks and to demand—without any necessity—men to be what they are not.