Cung điện Xô viết (Vietnamese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Cung điện Xô viết" in Vietnamese language version.

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low place
6th place
4th place
3rd place
6th place

  • Atarov 1940, tr. 72. Atarov, N (1940). Дворец Советов [Palace of Soviets] (bằng tiếng Nga). Московский рабочий. The definitive official description of the final configuration being built in 1940 and the planned mechanical systems.
  • Atarov 1940, tr. 138. Atarov, N (1940). Дворец Советов [Palace of Soviets] (bằng tiếng Nga). Московский рабочий. The definitive official description of the final configuration being built in 1940 and the planned mechanical systems.
  • Atarov 1940, tr. 109, 110. Atarov, N (1940). Дворец Советов [Palace of Soviets] (bằng tiếng Nga). Московский рабочий. The definitive official description of the final configuration being built in 1940 and the planned mechanical systems.
  • Atarov 1940, tr. 70. Atarov, N (1940). Дворец Советов [Palace of Soviets] (bằng tiếng Nga). Московский рабочий. The definitive official description of the final configuration being built in 1940 and the planned mechanical systems.
  • Atarov 1940, tr. 17. Atarov, N (1940). Дворец Советов [Palace of Soviets] (bằng tiếng Nga). Московский рабочий. The definitive official description of the final configuration being built in 1940 and the planned mechanical systems.

  • Atarov 1940, tr. 72. Atarov, N (1940). Дворец Советов [Palace of Soviets] (bằng tiếng Nga). Московский рабочий. The definitive official description of the final configuration being built in 1940 and the planned mechanical systems.
  • Atarov 1940, tr. 138. Atarov, N (1940). Дворец Советов [Palace of Soviets] (bằng tiếng Nga). Московский рабочий. The definitive official description of the final configuration being built in 1940 and the planned mechanical systems.
  • Atarov 1940, tr. 109, 110. Atarov, N (1940). Дворец Советов [Palace of Soviets] (bằng tiếng Nga). Московский рабочий. The definitive official description of the final configuration being built in 1940 and the planned mechanical systems.
  • Atarov 1940, tr. 70. Atarov, N (1940). Дворец Советов [Palace of Soviets] (bằng tiếng Nga). Московский рабочий. The definitive official description of the final configuration being built in 1940 and the planned mechanical systems.
  • Atarov 1940, tr. 17. Atarov, N (1940). Дворец Советов [Palace of Soviets] (bằng tiếng Nga). Московский рабочий. The definitive official description of the final configuration being built in 1940 and the planned mechanical systems.