Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Dassault Rafale" in Vietnamese language version.
(trợ giúp). Le Truy cập 18 tháng 2 năm 2015.[liên kết hỏng]Avant prise en compte du projet de LPM, le coût total du programme pour l'Etat était de 45,9 Mds €2013. Le coût unitaire (hors coût de développement) de 74 M€2013 pour le Rafale B (pour 110 avions) de 68,8 M€2013 pour le Rafale C (pour 118 avions) et de 79 M€2011 pour le Rafale M (pour 58 avions)."
Translated: Before taking into account the draft Trademark Law, the total cost of the program for the state was 45.9 billion € 2013. Unit cost (excluding development costs) of €74M 2013 for the Rafale B (110 aircraft) €68.8M 2013 for the Rafale C (for 118 aircraft) and 79 M € 2011 for the Rafale M (58 aircraft).