Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Dãy núi Gorce" in Vietnamese language version.
Google translate: Of the nearly fifty species of mammals living in the mountains and their foothills, in the first place, are the large predatory mammals: wolf and lynx. (Spośród blisko pięćdziesięciu gatunków ssaków zamieszkujących góry i ich podnóża na pierwszym miejscu należy wymienić duże ssaki drapieżne: wilka i rysia.)
S. salamandra [Fire salamander] and Mertinsiella caucasica [Caucasian salamander] ... in montane regions ... retain their eggs, later giving birth to well-developed young (D&T, 1986).
Individuals living at high elevations give birth to fully formed small salamanders, skipping the larval stage completely.
"Fun facts • The fire salamander is the only amphibian that does not hatch from an egg. Instead, the babies develop inside the mother’s body" (webpage: left-hand side).