Amaral Karina Felipe, Jorge Wilham, 2003: The chromosomes of the Order Falconiformes: a review. Ararajuba11(1): 65-73. Toàn văn PDFLưu trữ 2006-11-08 tại Wayback Machine
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Wink M.; Heidrich P.; Fentzloff C., 1996: A mtDNA phylogeny of sea eagles (Haliaeetus) based on nucleotide sequences of the cytochrome b gene. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology24: 783-791. doi:10.1016/S0305-1978(96)00049-XToàn văn PDF
Amaral Karina Felipe, Jorge Wilham, 2003: The chromosomes of the Order Falconiformes: a review. Ararajuba11(1): 65-73. Toàn văn PDFLưu trữ 2006-11-08 tại Wayback Machine