Knossos (Vietnamese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Knossos" in Vietnamese language version.

Global rank Vietnamese rank
6th place
4th place
low place
low place

  • McEnroe, John C. (2010). Architecture of Minoan Crete: Constructing Identity in the Aegean Bronze Age. Austin: University of Texas Press. tr. 50. However, Davaras & Doumas 1957, tr. 5, an official guide book in use in past years, gives the dimensions of the palace as 150 m (490 ft) square, about 20.000 m2 (220.000 foot vuông). A certain amount of subjectivity is undoubtedly involved in setting the borders for measurement. Davaras, Costos; Doumas, Alexandra (Translator) (1957). Knossos and the Herakleion Museum: Brief Illustrated Archaeological Guide. Athens: Hannibal Publishing House.