Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Lựa chọn hạt nhân" in Vietnamese language version.
(trợ giúp)It is difficult to construct a way for the Senate to consider a procedural proposition that would allow a simple majority to establish the desired precedent in the face of a filibustering opposition, except through proceedings that would involve violations of Senate rules and practices already in existence. In this context, some would hold that what would render proceedings “nuclear” is not simply that they would establish new precedential interpretations of the rules, but that they would do so through proceedings that, in themselves, involve violations of procedural standards previously established and already in effect at the time the Senate is considering the proposed new interpretation.
Sets forth the history of the constitutional option in the U.S. Overview of the Senate rules governing debate; History of the filibusterChú thích journal cần
(trợ giúp) Alt URLSets forth the history of the constitutional option in the U.S. Overview of the Senate rules governing debate; History of the filibusterChú thích journal cần
(trợ giúp) Alt URLSets forth the history of the constitutional option in the U.S. Overview of the Senate rules governing debate; History of the filibusterChú thích journal cần
(trợ giúp) Alt URLSets forth the history of the constitutional option in the U.S. Overview of the Senate rules governing debate; History of the filibusterChú thích journal cần
(trợ giúp) Alt URLSets forth the history of the constitutional option in the U.S. Overview of the Senate rules governing debate; History of the filibusterChú thích journal cần
(trợ giúp) Alt URLIn March 2003, the Mississippi Republican Trent Lott was troubled by the Democrats' use of the threat of a filibuster, or Senate-stopping 'extended debate,' which prevented a vote on some of President Bush's judicial nominees. Charles Hurt of The Washington Times wrote that Lott told him of a plan that might allow Republicans to confirm a judge with a simple 51-vote majority – rather than the 60 votes needed under the present rules to 'break' a filibuster. Lott 'declined to elaborate, warning that his idea is "nuclear."' This led Michael Crowley of The New Republic to ask rhetorically: 'What might Lott's 'nuclear' option be?'
A ruling that ran counter to precedent either in its substance or in its process would represent “nuclear” action not only in the sense of overcoming the usual obstacles to procedural change, but also in the sense that the act of making the ruling would occur at variance with previous Senate practice. Extraordinary proceedings of these kinds, accordingly, would not only result in change, but would themselves constitute a change from previous practice introduced through peremptory action.
Supporters call it the constitutional option, but it is well-known as the “nuclear” option for the meltdown in partisan relations that it could affect.
Sets forth the history of the constitutional option in the U.S. Overview of the Senate rules governing debate; History of the filibusterChú thích journal cần
(trợ giúp) Alt URLSets forth the history of the constitutional option in the U.S. Overview of the Senate rules governing debate; History of the filibusterChú thích journal cần
(trợ giúp) Alt URLSets forth the history of the constitutional option in the U.S. Overview of the Senate rules governing debate; History of the filibusterChú thích journal cần
(trợ giúp) Alt URLSets forth the history of the constitutional option in the U.S. Overview of the Senate rules governing debate; History of the filibusterChú thích journal cần
(trợ giúp) Alt URLSets forth the history of the constitutional option in the U.S. Overview of the Senate rules governing debate; History of the filibusterChú thích journal cần
(trợ giúp) Alt URLSupporters call it the constitutional option, but it is well-known as the “nuclear” option for the meltdown in partisan relations that it could affect.
Sets forth the history of the constitutional option in the U.S. Overview of the Senate rules governing debate; History of the filibusterChú thích journal cần
(trợ giúp) Alt URLSets forth the history of the constitutional option in the U.S. Overview of the Senate rules governing debate; History of the filibusterChú thích journal cần
(trợ giúp) Alt URLSets forth the history of the constitutional option in the U.S. Overview of the Senate rules governing debate; History of the filibusterChú thích journal cần
(trợ giúp) Alt URLSets forth the history of the constitutional option in the U.S. Overview of the Senate rules governing debate; History of the filibusterChú thích journal cần
(trợ giúp) Alt URLSets forth the history of the constitutional option in the U.S. Overview of the Senate rules governing debate; History of the filibusterChú thích journal cần
(trợ giúp) Alt URL