Nữ quan (Vietnamese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Nữ quan" in Vietnamese language version.

Global rank Vietnamese rank
27th place
28th place
low place
low place
4,462nd place
30th place
178th place
1,502nd place
3,313th place
159th place
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low place
1st place
1st place
40th place
46th place
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291st place
low place
1,333rd place
2,676th place
58th place
6th place
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903rd place
4,553rd place
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low place
4,579th place
2,621st place
145th place
1,313th place
554th place
276th place
low place
2,546th place







  • Kolk (2009), "The Expansion of the Queen’s Household (1496-1589)": First of all, France was influenced by the Burgundian court. The memoirs of a lady-in-waiting, Eléonore de Poitiers, written in 1484-7, show that contact between the two courts was close. In the fifteenth century, the Duchess of Burgundy’s hôtel was bigger than that of the Queen, its ceremonial more firmly developed. As we shall see, several offices and dignities would be ‘imported’ from Burgundy into the household of Anne de Bretagne. Kolk, Caroline zum (2009). "The Household of the Queen of France in the Sixteenth Century" (bằng tiếng Anh).
  • Kolk (2009), "The ‘Great Court of Ladies’": Of all these changes, one in particular attracted the attention of contemporary observers: the emergence of noblewomen at court. In 1496, the expansion of Anne de Bretagne’s household went hand in hand with the increase in the number of ladies and maidens-in-waiting (23 in 1490; 39 in 1496-1498). The Queen insisted on their presence at court - according to Brantôme: ‘She [Anne de Bretagne] was the first to begin to gather together the great court of ladies which we still know today, because she had a very great retinue, of both ladies and maidens, and never refused any; and indeed, she asked the gentilshommes, their fathers, who were at court, if they had daughters, and if so who they were, and requested their presence.’ Kolk, Caroline zum (2009). "The Household of the Queen of France in the Sixteenth Century" (bằng tiếng Anh).
  • Kolk (2009), "The ‘Great Court of Ladies’": This evolution continued under the reign of Francis I. As K. Wilson-Chevalier noted, their presence at court was used by the King to make the behaviour of noblemen more polished and introduce into court society a new civility. Ladies and demoiselles were numerous in the entourage of his wife, his mother and his sister. A new peak was attained in the years 1553-1554, when Catherine de’ Medici was regent. The end of the period studied here is marked by a final spectacular increase, beginning in 1579. At the end of the reign of Henri III, 98 women served Louise de Lorraine; the queen mother, Catherine de’ Medici, had 112 suivantes. Kolk, Caroline zum (2009). "The Household of the Queen of France in the Sixteenth Century" (bằng tiếng Anh).
  • Kolk (2009), "The ‘Great Court of Ladies’": Yet the prominence of women at court did not provoke criticism alone; certain noblemen reacted with enthusiasm, especially amongst the younger generation. Ladies quickly became the main attraction of the court because ‘discussions between men about matters of state, hunting and games rapidly become boring, but one is never bored when conversing with honest ladies’. Brantôme reports that if the King left the Queen and ladies to go hunting, or for any other reason, he and his friends were so ‘upset, lost and annoyed’ that they thereafter referred to ‘the court’ not as where the King was, but where the Queen and her ladies were. His conclusion is that ‘a court without ladies is a court without a court’. Kolk, Caroline zum (2009). "The Household of the Queen of France in the Sixteenth Century" (bằng tiếng Anh).
  • Kolk (2009), "The Creation of New Dignities and Offices": During the reign of Francis I, changes affected mainly the noble ladies of the household, the dames and demoiselles d’honneur. In 1523 the office of the Première dame d’honneur, the highest of the women in the Queen’s retinue, gave way to a new dignity, the Dame d’honneur. From 1523 on, every queen had a dame d’honneur; Louise de Lorraine had two, each of whom served for a six month period. The dame d’honneur supervised the ladies-in-waiting and accompanied the queen wherever she went. Like the Chevalier d’honneur, she was involved in the management of household expenditure. A letter from Catherine de’ Médici indicates that her dame d’honneur oversaw the ordering of clothing, medicines and other objects useful to the queen and her ladies. When the queen received visitors, it was she who introduced them and indicated to them their place in the room or at table. At the end of the century, she tasted the queen’s meat and began the service of the meal when, followed by a procession of the queen’s ladies, she brought the first dish to her table. This duty fulfilled, she had the privilege of eating at her own table, placed near that of the queen. Kolk, Caroline zum (2009). "The Household of the Queen of France in the Sixteenth Century" (bằng tiếng Anh).
  • Kolk (2009), "The Creation of New Dignities and Offices": Among the queen’s ladies was a Dame d’atours, whose responsibility was to dress her mistress. The evolution of this office is instructive, since it demonstrates the growing prestige that surrounded members of the royal family. Isabeau de Bavière and Charlotte de Savoie had several femmes and demoiselles d’atours, but most of these women were not noble: their rank and wages were those of a simple chambermaid. The status of this category of women did not evolve in the fifteenth century. It was under the reign of Francis I that physical contact with the queen was given greater importance. Only one lady of high rank, or a relation of the queen, would hold this privilege from this point on. She appeared with the designation ‘Dame d’atours’ for the first time in 1534. Kolk, Caroline zum (2009). "The Household of the Queen of France in the Sixteenth Century" (bằng tiếng Anh).
  • Kolk (2009), "The Creation of New Dignities and Offices": In 1531 another new dignitary, the Gouvernante des filles, appeared in the hôtel of Eléonore d’Autriche. This office had previously existed at the Burgundian Court under the name of mere des filles and should not be confused with that of the governess of the royal children, who was responsible for the household of the royal couple’s offspring. The Gouvernante des filles was in charge of the young noblewomen of the queen’s retinue, the demoiselles. She had to oversee their behaviour and education. In so doing, she took upon herself a portion of the responsibilities of the Dame d’honneur. The rise in the number of demoiselles led to the expansion of this office: from 1547 Catherine de’ Medici employed two Gouvernantes and several Sous-gouvernantes. Kolk, Caroline zum (2009). "The Household of the Queen of France in the Sixteenth Century" (bằng tiếng Anh).


  • Hậu sinh Khổng Tử, "Hôn nghi": 古者天子后立六宮、三夫人、九嬪、二十七世婦、八十一御妻,以聽天下之內治,以明章婦順;故天下內和而家理。天子立六官、三公、九卿、二十七大夫、八十一元士,以聽天下之外治,以明章天下之男教;故外和而國治。故曰:天子聽男教,後聽女順;天子理陽道,後治陰德;天子聽外治,後聽內職。教順成俗,外內和順,國家理治,此之謂盛德。 Hậu sinh Khổng Tử. Lễ ký.
  • Chu Công, "Thiên quan・Trủng tể": 內宰:掌書版圖之法,以治王內之政令,均其稍食,分其人民以居之。以陰禮教六宮,以陰禮教九嬪。以婦職之法教九御,使各有屬,以作二事;正其服,禁其奇邪,展其功緒。大祭祀,後祼獻,則贊;瑤爵亦如之。正後之服位,而詔其禮樂之儀。贊九嬪之禮事。凡賓客之祼獻、瑤爵,皆贊。致後之賓客之禮。凡喪事,佐後,使治外內命婦,正其服位。凡建國,佐後立市,設其次,置其敘,正其肆,陳其貨賄,出其度量淳制,祭之以陰禮。中春,詔後帥外內命婦始蠶于北郊,以為祭服。歲終,則會內人之稍食,稽其功事。佐後而受獻功者,比其大小與其粗良而賞罰之。會內宮之財用。正歲均其稍食,施其功事,憲禁令于王之北宮,而糾其守。上春,詔王后帥六宮之人而生穜稑之種,而獻之于王。。。九嬪:掌婦學之法,以教九御婦德、婦言、婦容、婦功,各帥其屬而以時御敘于王所。凡祭祀,贊玉粢,贊後薦、徹豆籩。若有賓客,則從後。大喪,帥敘哭者亦如之。世婦:掌祭祀、賓客、喪紀之事,帥女宮而濯摡,為粢盛。及祭之日,蒞陳女宮之具,凡內羞之物。掌吊臨于卿大夫之喪。女御:掌御敘于王之燕寢。以歲時獻功事。凡祭祀,贊世婦。大喪,掌沐浴。後之喪,持翣。從世婦而吊于卿大夫之喪。 Chu Công. Chu lễ.
  • Khang Hi (1716), "Nữ bộ・Ngũ": 㚴:《集韻》普故切,音怖。美女也。 Khang Hi (1716). Khang Hi từ điển.
  • Hứa Thận, quyển 13, "Nữ bộ": 㜮:過差也。从女監聲。《論語》曰:「小人窮斯㜮矣。」 Hứa Thận. Thuyết văn giải tự.
  • Sử Mộng Lan, quyển 20, "Minh": 《武宗外紀》載,故事宮中六局,官有尚寢者,司上寢處事。而文書房內官,每記上幸宿所在,及所幸宮嬪年月,以俟備考。上悉令除卻省記注,掣去尚寢諸所司事。遂遍游宮中,日率小黃門,為角抵、踏踘之戲。隨所駐,輒飲宿不歸。 Sử Mộng Lan. Toàn sử cung từ.



  • Weir (2013), “Elysabeth ye Quene”: Elizabeth’s mother once had just five ladies-in-waiting, but Spanish ambassador Rodrigo de Puebla was astonished to discover that "the Queen has thirty-two ladies, very magnificent and in splendid style," who attended her even in private. Eighteen of them were noble-women. In 1502–03, Elizabeth had seven maids of honor, who each received salaries of £6.13s.4d. [£3,300], while sixteen gentlewomen each got £3.6s.8d. [£1,620] per annum. There were also three chamberers—women who attended the Queen in her chamber or, more specifically, bedchamber. Weir, Alison (2013). “Elizabeth of York: A Tudor Queen and Her World”. NEW YORK TIMES.





  • Fujiwara no Fuhito (718), "Hậu cung chức viên lệnh" (後宮職員令): * 後宮職員令第四 內侍司條:內侍司/尚侍二人。【掌。供奉常侍。奏請。宣伝檢校女孺兼知內外命婦朝參。及禁內禮式之事。】典侍四人。【掌同尚侍唯不得奏請。宣伝若無尚侍者。得奏請。宣伝】掌侍四人。【掌同典侍唯不得奏請。宣伝】女孺一百人。* 後宮職員令第五 藏司條:藏司/尚藏一人。【掌。神璽。關契。供御衣服。巾櫛。服翫。及珍寶。綵帛。賞賜之事。】典藏二人。【掌同尚藏】掌藏四人。【掌。出納。綵帛。賞賜之事。】女孺十人。* 後宮職員令第六 書司條:書司/尚書一人。【掌。供奉內典。經籍及紙。墨。筆。几案。糸竹之事。】典書二人。【掌。同尚書】女孺六人。* 後宮職員令第七 藥司條:藥司/尚藥一人。【掌。供奉醫藥之事。】典藥二人。【掌同尚藥】女孺四人。* 後宮職員令第八 兵司條:兵司/尚兵一人。【掌。供奉兵器之事。】典兵二人。【掌同尚兵】女孺六人。* 後宮職員令第九 韈司條:韈司/尚韈一人。【掌。宮閤管鎰。及出納之事。】典韈四人。【掌同尚韈】女孺十人。* 後宮職員令第十 殿司條:殿司/尚殿一人。【掌。供奉輿繖。膏。沐。燈油。火燭。薪炭之事。】典殿二人。【掌同尚殿】女孺六人。* 後宮職員令十一 掃司條:掃司/尚掃一人。【掌。供奉床席。灑掃。鋪設之事。】典掃二人。【掌同尚掃】女儒十人。* 後宮職員令十二 水司條:水司/尚水一人。【掌。進漿水。雜粥之事。】典水二人。【掌同尚水】采女六人。* 後宮職員令十三 膳司條:膳司/尚膳一人。【掌。知御膳進食先嘗。惣攝膳羞。酒醴。諸餅蔬菓之事。】典膳二人。【掌同尚膳】掌膳四人。【掌同典膳】采女六十人。* 後宮職員令十四 酒司條:酒司/尚酒一人。【掌。釀酒之事。】典酒二人。【掌同尚酒】 * 後宮職員令十五 縫司條:縫司/尚縫一人。【掌。裁縫衣服纂組之事。兼知女功及朝參】典縫二人。【掌同尚縫】掌縫四人。【掌。命婦參見。朝會引導之事。】/右諸司掌以上。皆為職事自余為散事各每半月給休假三日其考敘法式。一准長上之例【東宮宮人。及嬪以上女豎准此。】 Fujiwara no Fuhito (718). Yōrō Code (養老律令).



  • Lê Thái Dũng (8 tháng 5 năm 2012). “Người phụ nữ đầu tiên được phong làm quan”. Chuyên trang Phụ nữ & Đời sống (phunutoday.vn) của báo điện tử nguoiduatin.vn. Bản gốc lưu trữ ngày 19 tháng 6 năm 2013. Truy cập ngày 15 tháng 4 năm 2013.




  • Ngô Sĩ Liên (1697), "Trần kỷ・Minh Tông Hoàng đế kỷ": Bấy giờ, Thượng hoàng có ý xuất gia, nên sai cung nhân ăn chay. Các cung nhân đều ngần ngại, duy có nữ quan Nguyễn Thị Diên chặt ngón tay đem dâng. Thượng hoàng ngợi khen, ban cho 40 mẫu ruộng làm lương ăn tu hành ngày sau. Rồi Thị Diên quả nhiên đi tu cho đến lúc mất, Phật hiệu là Tịnh Quang ni. Ngô Sĩ Liên (1697). Đại Việt sử ký toàn thư.


  • Lê Thái Dũng (8 tháng 5 năm 2012). “Người phụ nữ đầu tiên được phong làm quan”. Chuyên trang Phụ nữ & Đời sống (phunutoday.vn) của báo điện tử nguoiduatin.vn. Bản gốc lưu trữ ngày 19 tháng 6 năm 2013. Truy cập ngày 15 tháng 4 năm 2013.
  • “Lịch sử và đặc điểm nghề hát Chèo Việt Nam”. 12 tháng 1 năm 2013. Bản gốc lưu trữ ngày 29 tháng 10 năm 2016. Truy cập ngày 14 tháng 10 năm 2016.




  • Trần Mộng Lôi & Tưởng Đình Tích (1725), 《Minh luân hối biên・Cung vi điển》, quyển 53, "Cung nữ bộ": 太祖洪武元年八月乙丑放元宮人,按《大政紀》:「洪武二十二年十二月己酉,授六尚局宮 官。上選民間淑德入宮者數人,使兼六尚局事,人各 勤事,故授以官,家給以祿,仍令服勞五六載,歸其父 母,從與婚嫁,年高者許歸,留守者聽選。」洪武二十九年,選用宮人、以供內職、按《明會典》:選用宮人,洪武二十九年定,所取女子,除 富豪不用,其餘不問貧難之家女子年十五二十歲 者,送進灑掃宮院,曬晾幔褥,漿糨衣服,造辦飯食,許 各家父母親送,賞鈔五十錠。其在京軍民之家,有女 子及無夫婦人,能寫能筭者,不論貧富醜陋,皆許進 用,賞與前同。不許將體氣惡疾,及已曾進到者,一概 進來。 Trần Mộng Lôi; Tưởng Đình Tích (1725). Cổ kim đồ thư tập thành.
  • Fujiwara no Fuhito (718), "Hậu cung chức viên lệnh" (後宮職員令): * 後宮職員令第四 內侍司條:內侍司/尚侍二人。【掌。供奉常侍。奏請。宣伝檢校女孺兼知內外命婦朝參。及禁內禮式之事。】典侍四人。【掌同尚侍唯不得奏請。宣伝若無尚侍者。得奏請。宣伝】掌侍四人。【掌同典侍唯不得奏請。宣伝】女孺一百人。* 後宮職員令第五 藏司條:藏司/尚藏一人。【掌。神璽。關契。供御衣服。巾櫛。服翫。及珍寶。綵帛。賞賜之事。】典藏二人。【掌同尚藏】掌藏四人。【掌。出納。綵帛。賞賜之事。】女孺十人。* 後宮職員令第六 書司條:書司/尚書一人。【掌。供奉內典。經籍及紙。墨。筆。几案。糸竹之事。】典書二人。【掌。同尚書】女孺六人。* 後宮職員令第七 藥司條:藥司/尚藥一人。【掌。供奉醫藥之事。】典藥二人。【掌同尚藥】女孺四人。* 後宮職員令第八 兵司條:兵司/尚兵一人。【掌。供奉兵器之事。】典兵二人。【掌同尚兵】女孺六人。* 後宮職員令第九 韈司條:韈司/尚韈一人。【掌。宮閤管鎰。及出納之事。】典韈四人。【掌同尚韈】女孺十人。* 後宮職員令第十 殿司條:殿司/尚殿一人。【掌。供奉輿繖。膏。沐。燈油。火燭。薪炭之事。】典殿二人。【掌同尚殿】女孺六人。* 後宮職員令十一 掃司條:掃司/尚掃一人。【掌。供奉床席。灑掃。鋪設之事。】典掃二人。【掌同尚掃】女儒十人。* 後宮職員令十二 水司條:水司/尚水一人。【掌。進漿水。雜粥之事。】典水二人。【掌同尚水】采女六人。* 後宮職員令十三 膳司條:膳司/尚膳一人。【掌。知御膳進食先嘗。惣攝膳羞。酒醴。諸餅蔬菓之事。】典膳二人。【掌同尚膳】掌膳四人。【掌同典膳】采女六十人。* 後宮職員令十四 酒司條:酒司/尚酒一人。【掌。釀酒之事。】典酒二人。【掌同尚酒】 * 後宮職員令十五 縫司條:縫司/尚縫一人。【掌。裁縫衣服纂組之事。兼知女功及朝參】典縫二人。【掌同尚縫】掌縫四人。【掌。命婦參見。朝會引導之事。】/右諸司掌以上。皆為職事自余為散事各每半月給休假三日其考敘法式。一准長上之例【東宮宮人。及嬪以上女豎准此。】 Fujiwara no Fuhito (718). Yōrō Code (養老律令).



  • Hậu sinh Khổng Tử, "Hôn nghi": 古者天子后立六宮、三夫人、九嬪、二十七世婦、八十一御妻,以聽天下之內治,以明章婦順;故天下內和而家理。天子立六官、三公、九卿、二十七大夫、八十一元士,以聽天下之外治,以明章天下之男教;故外和而國治。故曰:天子聽男教,後聽女順;天子理陽道,後治陰德;天子聽外治,後聽內職。教順成俗,外內和順,國家理治,此之謂盛德。 Hậu sinh Khổng Tử. Lễ ký.
  • Chu Công, "Thiên quan・Trủng tể": 內宰:掌書版圖之法,以治王內之政令,均其稍食,分其人民以居之。以陰禮教六宮,以陰禮教九嬪。以婦職之法教九御,使各有屬,以作二事;正其服,禁其奇邪,展其功緒。大祭祀,後祼獻,則贊;瑤爵亦如之。正後之服位,而詔其禮樂之儀。贊九嬪之禮事。凡賓客之祼獻、瑤爵,皆贊。致後之賓客之禮。凡喪事,佐後,使治外內命婦,正其服位。凡建國,佐後立市,設其次,置其敘,正其肆,陳其貨賄,出其度量淳制,祭之以陰禮。中春,詔後帥外內命婦始蠶于北郊,以為祭服。歲終,則會內人之稍食,稽其功事。佐後而受獻功者,比其大小與其粗良而賞罰之。會內宮之財用。正歲均其稍食,施其功事,憲禁令于王之北宮,而糾其守。上春,詔王后帥六宮之人而生穜稑之種,而獻之于王。。。九嬪:掌婦學之法,以教九御婦德、婦言、婦容、婦功,各帥其屬而以時御敘于王所。凡祭祀,贊玉粢,贊後薦、徹豆籩。若有賓客,則從後。大喪,帥敘哭者亦如之。世婦:掌祭祀、賓客、喪紀之事,帥女宮而濯摡,為粢盛。及祭之日,蒞陳女宮之具,凡內羞之物。掌吊臨于卿大夫之喪。女御:掌御敘于王之燕寢。以歲時獻功事。凡祭祀,贊世婦。大喪,掌沐浴。後之喪,持翣。從世婦而吊于卿大夫之喪。 Chu Công. Chu lễ.
  • Lưu Hu, quyển 44, "Chức quan tam": 內官妃三人。正一品。《周官》三夫人之位也。隋依周制,立三夫人。武德立四妃:一貴妃,二淑妃,三德妃,四賢妃,位次後之下。玄宗以為后妃四星,其一正後,不宜更有四妃,乃改定三妃之位:惠妃一,麗妃二,華妃三,下有六儀、美人、才人四等,共二十人以備內官之位也。三妃佐後,坐而論婦禮者也。其於內,則無所不統,故不以一務名焉。六儀六人,正二品,《周官》九嬪之位也。掌教九御四德,率其屬以贊導後之禮儀。美人四人,正三品,《周官》二十七世婦之位也。掌率女官,修祭祀賓客之事。才人七人,正四品,《周官》八十一御女之位。掌敘宴寢,理絲枲,以獻歲功。宮官六尚,如六尚書之職掌。 Lưu Hu. Cựu Đường thư.
  • Lưu Hu, quyển 64, "Cao Tổ nhị thập nhị tử": 元名保傅等謂元名曰:「尚宮品秩高者,見宜拜之。」元名曰:「此我二哥家婢也,何用拜為?」太宗聞而壯之,曰:「此真我弟也。」貞觀五年,封譙王。 Lưu Hu. Cựu Đường thư.
  • Lưu Hu, quyển 51, "Hậu phi thượng": 則天時,婉兒忤旨當誅,則天惜其才不殺,但黥其面而已。自聖歷已後,百司表奏,多令參決。中宗即位,又令專掌制命,深被信任。 Lưu Hu. Cựu Đường thư.
  • Lưu Hu, quyển 51, "Hậu phi thượng": 尋拜為昭容,封其母鄭氏為沛國夫人。婉兒既與武三思淫亂,每下制敕,多因事推尊武后而排抑皇家。 Lưu Hu. Cựu Đường thư.
  • Ngô Sĩ Liên (1697), "Trần kỷ・Minh Tông Hoàng đế bản kỷ": 時上皇有出家意,因令宫人素食。諸宫人皆有難色,獨㚴㜮阮氏延斷指以進。上皇嘉之,賜田四十畝,以為後日脩行之資。延果出家而終,釋號凈光尼。 Ngô Sĩ Liên (1697). Đại Việt sử ký toàn thư.
  • Ngô Sĩ Liên (1697), "Trần kỷ・Hiến Tông Hoàng đế bản kỷ": 至於遇列嬪亦甚厚,如宫中㚴㜮王氏,惠真所出也,有寵懷娠,太后以雙香堂太后正寝為坐蓐所。 Ngô Sĩ Liên (1697). Đại Việt sử ký toàn thư.
  • Thẩm Ước, quyển 41, "Hậu phi": 其後太宗留心後房,擬外百官,備位置內職。列其名品于後。 後宮通尹,準錄尚書。 Thẩm Ước. Tống thư.
  • Ngụy Thu, [1] quyển 13, "Hoàng hậu"]: 內司視尚書令、僕。作司、大監、女侍中三官視二品。監,女尚書,美人,女史、女賢人、書史、書女、小書女五官,視三品。中才人、供人、中使女生、才人、恭使宮人視四品,春衣、女酒、女饗、女食、奚官女奴視五品。 Ngụy Thu. Ngụy thư.
  • Ngụy Trưng, quyển 36, "Hậu phi": 時又增置女官,準尚書省,以六局管二十四司。一曰尚宮局,管司言,掌宣傳奏啟;司簿,掌名錄計度;司正,掌格式推罰,司闈,掌門閣管鑰。二曰尚儀局,管司籍,掌經史教學,紙筆幾案;司樂,掌音律;司賓,掌賓客;司贊,掌禮儀贊相導引。三曰尚服局,管司璽,掌琮璽符節;司衣,掌衣服;司飾,掌湯沐巾櫛玩弄;司仗,掌仗衛戎器。四曰尚食局,管司膳,掌膳羞;司釀,掌酒醴醯醢;司藥,掌醫巫藥劑;司饎,掌廩餼柴炭。五曰尚寢局,管司設,掌床席帷帳,鋪設灑掃;司輿,掌輿輦傘扇,執持羽儀;司苑,掌園絪種植,蔬菜瓜果;司燈,掌火燭。六曰尚工局,管司制,掌營造裁縫;司寶,掌金玉珠璣錢貨;司彩,掌繒帛;司織,掌織染。六尚二十二司,員各二人,唯司樂、司膳員各四人。每司又置典及掌,以貳其職。六尚十人,品從第五;司二十八人,品從第六;典二十八人,品從第七;掌二十八人,品從第九。女使流外,量局閑劇,多者十人已下,無定員數。聯事分職,各有司存焉。 Ngụy Trưng. Tùy thư.
  • Lưu Hu, quyển 44, "Chức quan tam":宮官六尚,如六尚書之職掌。。。右唐制定宮官六尚書、二十四司職事官,以備內職之數。 Lưu Hu. Cựu Đường thư.
  • Âu Dương Tu, Tống Kỳ, quyển 47, "Bách quan nhị": 宮官。尚宮局尚宮二人,正五品。六尚皆如之。掌導引中宮,總司記、司言、司簿、司闈。凡六尚事物出納文籍,皆涖其印署。〈有女史六人,掌執文書。尚儀局尚儀二人,掌禮儀起居。總司籍、司樂、司賓、司贊。尚服局尚服二人,掌供服用采章之數,總司寶、司衣、司飾、司仗。尚食局尚食二人,掌供膳羞品齊。總司膳、司醞、司藥、司饎。凡進食,先嘗。尚寢局尚寢二人,掌燕見進御之次敍,總司設、司輿、司苑、司燈。尚功局尚功二人,掌女功之程,總司製、司珍、司綵、司計。宮正一人,正五品;司正二人,正六品;典正二人,正七品。宮正掌戒令、糾禁、讁罰之事。宮人不供職者,司正以牒取裁,小事決罰,大事奏聞。〈有女史四人。阿監、副監,視七品。 Âu Dương Tu, Tống Kỳ. Tân Đường thư.
  • Trương Đình Ngọc, quyển 113, "Hậu phi nhất": 五年六月,命禮臣議宮官女職之制。禮臣上言:「周制,后宮設內官以贊內治。漢設內官一十四等,凡數百人。唐設六局二十四司,官凡一百九十人,女史五十餘人,皆選良家女充之。」帝以所設過多,命重加裁定。於是折衷曩制,立六局一司。局曰尚宮、尚儀、尚服、尚食、尚寢、尚功,司曰宮正,秩皆正六品。每局領四司,其屬二十有四,而尚宮總行六局之事。戒令責罰,則宮正掌之。官七十五人,女史十八人,視唐減百四十餘人,凡以服勞宮寢、祗勤典守而已。 Trương Đình Ngọc. Minh sử.
  • Thẩm Đức Phù (1619), quyển 30, "Bổ di nhất": 宮中六尚之職,國初凡三定,最後則洪武二十八年重定者為準。先是分局,曰尚宮,曰尚儀,曰尚服,曰尚食,曰尚寢,曰尚功,又有宮正司,其長為正六品,嗣又升為正五品,最後官秩如之,而僚屬加詳焉。尚宮之屬,有司紀、司言、司簿、司闈,尚儀之屬,有司籍、司樂、司賓、司讚,尚服之屬,有司寶、司衣、司飾、司仗,尚食之屬,有司膳、司醞、司藥、司饎,尚寢之屬,有司設、司輿、司苑、司燈,尚功之屬,有司製、司珍、司計,其司之長為正六品,而堂屬佐貳以次遞降焉。宮正、司主糾察宮闈,視外憲臣。其局各有女史六人或四人,如外官掾吏。蓋斟酌周漢唐之製而損益焉。初設官時為七十四人,其後蓋倍之矣。天順三年,上命鎮守浙江太監盧永、江西太監葉達、福建少監馮讓曰:宮中原設六尚女官,以紀內事,須識字婦人充任。近年多放還家,及老疾不任事者,缺人任用。敕至,即密訪良家女子年十五以上,無夫婦人四十以下,能讀書寫字,並諳曉算法者四五十人,籍記之,待明春遣人同爾會選,令其親屬送來。觀此敕,則禁中須女官甚急。向來宮掖充滿,俱係北產,不諳文理,故命江南選擇,不獨取其美麗,亦以彗黠堪給事左右也。且是時孝莊錢后正位中宮,故浙之仁和人,宜其追念桑梓,注意南人。第不知次年所選者,果幾人當聖意耳。選江南女子入宮,洪武時已兩見矣。 Thẩm Đức Phù (1619). Vạn Lịch dã hoạch biên.
  • Trần Mộng Lôi & Tưởng Đình Tích (1725), 《Minh luân hối biên・Cung vi điển》, quyển 53, "Cung nữ bộ": 太祖洪武元年八月乙丑放元宮人,按《大政紀》:「洪武二十二年十二月己酉,授六尚局宮 官。上選民間淑德入宮者數人,使兼六尚局事,人各 勤事,故授以官,家給以祿,仍令服勞五六載,歸其父 母,從與婚嫁,年高者許歸,留守者聽選。」洪武二十九年,選用宮人、以供內職、按《明會典》:選用宮人,洪武二十九年定,所取女子,除 富豪不用,其餘不問貧難之家女子年十五二十歲 者,送進灑掃宮院,曬晾幔褥,漿糨衣服,造辦飯食,許 各家父母親送,賞鈔五十錠。其在京軍民之家,有女 子及無夫婦人,能寫能筭者,不論貧富醜陋,皆許進 用,賞與前同。不許將體氣惡疾,及已曾進到者,一概 進來。 Trần Mộng Lôi; Tưởng Đình Tích (1725). Cổ kim đồ thư tập thành.
  • Trương Đình Ngọc, quyển 74, "Chức quan tam": 永樂後,職盡移於宦官。其宮官所存者,惟尚寶四司而已。 Trương Đình Ngọc. Minh sử.