David M. Sever & Stanley E. Trauth (1990). “Cloacal Anatomy of Female Salamanders of the Plethodontid Subfamily Desmognathinae (Amphibia: Urodela)”. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. 109 (2): 193–204. doi:10.2307/3226814. JSTOR3226814.Quản lý CS1: sử dụng tham số tác giả (liên kết)
Gao K.-Q. and Shubin, N.H. (2012). "Late Jurassic salamandroid from western Liaoning, China." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (advance online publication). doi:10.1073/pnas.1009828109[1]Lưu trữ 2019-09-15 tại Wayback Machine
David M. Sever & Stanley E. Trauth (1990). “Cloacal Anatomy of Female Salamanders of the Plethodontid Subfamily Desmognathinae (Amphibia: Urodela)”. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. 109 (2): 193–204. doi:10.2307/3226814. JSTOR3226814.Quản lý CS1: sử dụng tham số tác giả (liên kết)
Gao K.-Q. and Shubin, N.H. (2012). "Late Jurassic salamandroid from western Liaoning, China." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (advance online publication). doi:10.1073/pnas.1009828109[1]Lưu trữ 2019-09-15 tại Wayback Machine
Gao K.-Q. and Shubin, N.H. (2012). "Late Jurassic salamandroid from western Liaoning, China." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (advance online publication). doi:10.1073/pnas.1009828109[1]Lưu trữ 2019-09-15 tại Wayback Machine