Prasterone enanthate (Vietnamese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Prasterone enanthate" in Vietnamese language version.

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  • “Bản sao đã lưu trữ” (PDF). Bản gốc (PDF) lưu trữ ngày 9 tháng 1 năm 2019. Truy cập ngày 29 tháng 6 năm 2019. Lỗi chú thích: Thẻ <ref> không hợp lệ: tên “Gynodian-Depot-Label-2” được định rõ nhiều lần, mỗi lần có nội dung khác

  • Düsterberg B, Wendt H (1983). “Plasma levels of dehydroepiandrosterone and 17 beta-estradiol after intramuscular administration of Gynodian-Depot in 3 women”. Horm. Res. 17 (2): 84–9. PMID 6220949.
  • Frigo P, Eppel W, Asseryanis E, Sator M, Golaszewski T, Gruber D, Lang C, Huber J (1995). “The effects of hormone substitution in depot form on the uterus in a group of 50 perimenopausal women--a vaginosonographic study”. Maturitas. 21 (3): 221–5. doi:10.1016/0378-5122(94)00893-c. PMID 7616871.
  • Prough RA, Clark BJ, Klinge CM (tháng 4 năm 2016). “Novel mechanisms for DHEA action”. J. Mol. Endocrinol. 56 (3): R139–55. doi:10.1530/JME-16-0013. PMID 26908835.
  • Picha E, Weghaupt K (tháng 3 năm 1972). “Erfahrungen mit einer neuen Hormonkombination bei klimakterischen Beschwerden” [Experience with a new hormone combination for menopausal disorders]. Med Klin (bằng tiếng Đức). 67 (11): 382–6. ISSN 0025-8458. PMID 4259772. A new hormone combination for menopausal complaints. Since the treatment of menopausal complaints with estrogens as well as with the combination of estrogens and androgens causes undesired side effects such as bleeding, mammary changes and masculinisation, dehydroepiandrosteron (DHEA), a precursor of testosteron, has been synthesised, which has only a low conversion rate to free testosteron and no masculinising effect. The substance has been tested in combination with estrogen (200 mg DHEA-enanthate and 4 mg estradiolvalerianate per 1 ml) in 266 women with menopausal complaints. The duration of treatment has been up to 6 years with an injection interval of 3 to 8 weeks. The therapeutic results were as good as with estrogen-androgen-combinations, but there was no masculinising effect. Changes of voice, hair and libido caused by pretreatment partly disappeared. Side effects [such] as acne, mastodynia, and sensation of repletion were of transitory nature. This preparation seems to be a true alternative to the traditional estrogen-androgen-combinations.
  • Jurczok F (tháng 3 năm 1976). “Behandlung des klimakterischen Symptomenkomplexes mit einem neuen Hormon-Kombinationspräparat” [Treatment of the climacteric symptom complex with a new combined hormone preparation]. Fortschr. Med. (bằng tiếng Đức). 94 (9): 524–7. ISSN 0015-8178. PMID 134967.
  • Dinulović D, Radonjić G (1987). “Gynodian-depot u lecenju kastracione postmenopauze” [Gynodian-depot in the treatment of castration-induced postmenopause]. Jugosl Ginekol Perinatol (bằng tiếng Croatia). 27 (1–2): 37–40. ISSN 0352-5562. PMID 2960859.
  • Rauramo L, Punnonen R, Kaihola LH, Grönroos M (tháng 1 năm 1980). “Serum oestrone, oestradiol and oestriol concentrations in castrated women during intramuscular oestradiol valerate and oestradiolbenzoate-oestradiolphenylpropionate therapy”. Maturitas. 2 (1): 53–8. doi:10.1016/0378-5122(80)90060-2. PMID 7402086.
  • Nyholm H, Plesner R (1979). “Serum testosterone, FSH/LH and urinary excretion of estrogens and corticoids during treatment with an injectable, longacting estrogen-DHEA preparation”. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 58 (4): 385–8. doi:10.3109/00016347909154601. PMID 160742.

  • Lauritzen, C (1980). “Erfahrungen in der Behandlung klimakterischer Beschwerden mit Depot-Injektionen von Östradiolvalerianat-Dehydroepiandrosteronönanthat” [Experience of treatment of climacteric symptoms with depot injections of estradiol valerianate-dehydroandrosterone enantate]. Die Therapiewoche. 30 (10): 1736–1742. ISSN 0040-5973. A trial of estradiol valerianate-dehydroandrosterone oenantate (Gynodian-Depot) was conducted in 68 post-menopausal women. The treatment exerted a very favorable influence on the typical subjective disorders of the climacteric and on the atrophic alterations of the target organs. Owing to its estrogenic and dehydroepiandrosterone components, the compound also exerts a favorable psychotropic effect. It was tolerated well and caused no side effects of any significance.

  • Picha E, Weghaupt K (tháng 3 năm 1972). “Erfahrungen mit einer neuen Hormonkombination bei klimakterischen Beschwerden” [Experience with a new hormone combination for menopausal disorders]. Med Klin (bằng tiếng Đức). 67 (11): 382–6. ISSN 0025-8458. PMID 4259772. A new hormone combination for menopausal complaints. Since the treatment of menopausal complaints with estrogens as well as with the combination of estrogens and androgens causes undesired side effects such as bleeding, mammary changes and masculinisation, dehydroepiandrosteron (DHEA), a precursor of testosteron, has been synthesised, which has only a low conversion rate to free testosteron and no masculinising effect. The substance has been tested in combination with estrogen (200 mg DHEA-enanthate and 4 mg estradiolvalerianate per 1 ml) in 266 women with menopausal complaints. The duration of treatment has been up to 6 years with an injection interval of 3 to 8 weeks. The therapeutic results were as good as with estrogen-androgen-combinations, but there was no masculinising effect. Changes of voice, hair and libido caused by pretreatment partly disappeared. Side effects [such] as acne, mastodynia, and sensation of repletion were of transitory nature. This preparation seems to be a true alternative to the traditional estrogen-androgen-combinations.
  • Lauritzen, C (1980). “Erfahrungen in der Behandlung klimakterischer Beschwerden mit Depot-Injektionen von Östradiolvalerianat-Dehydroepiandrosteronönanthat” [Experience of treatment of climacteric symptoms with depot injections of estradiol valerianate-dehydroandrosterone enantate]. Die Therapiewoche. 30 (10): 1736–1742. ISSN 0040-5973. A trial of estradiol valerianate-dehydroandrosterone oenantate (Gynodian-Depot) was conducted in 68 post-menopausal women. The treatment exerted a very favorable influence on the typical subjective disorders of the climacteric and on the atrophic alterations of the target organs. Owing to its estrogenic and dehydroepiandrosterone components, the compound also exerts a favorable psychotropic effect. It was tolerated well and caused no side effects of any significance.
  • Jurczok F (tháng 3 năm 1976). “Behandlung des klimakterischen Symptomenkomplexes mit einem neuen Hormon-Kombinationspräparat” [Treatment of the climacteric symptom complex with a new combined hormone preparation]. Fortschr. Med. (bằng tiếng Đức). 94 (9): 524–7. ISSN 0015-8178. PMID 134967.
  • Dinulović D, Radonjić G (1987). “Gynodian-depot u lecenju kastracione postmenopauze” [Gynodian-depot in the treatment of castration-induced postmenopause]. Jugosl Ginekol Perinatol (bằng tiếng Croatia). 27 (1–2): 37–40. ISSN 0352-5562. PMID 2960859.