Trận Otumba (Vietnamese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Trận Otumba" in Vietnamese language version.

Global rank Vietnamese rank
3rd place
6th place

  • Ancient life in Mexico and Central America. Biblo & Tannen Publishers. 1968. tr. 312. ISBN 978-0-8196-0205-3.
  • Teoría de la bandera.Guido Villa.1974 "The companies portentous discovery and conquest of the New World, met under the banners of Castile incarnate". Las portentosas empresas del descubrimiento y la conquista del Nuevo Mundo, se cumplieron bajo los encarnados pendones de Castilla.
  • Factional Competition and Political Development in the New World. Cambridge University Press. 1994. tr. 109. ISBN 0-521-38400-1.