Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Đại Khâu (Mã Tổ)" in Vietnamese language version.
TACHIU{...}Kueffer indicated two islands bunched near Peikan, "Tachiu and Kaoteng. The latter is five miles off the mainland, the closest to the enemy."Quản lý CS1: sử dụng tham số tác giả (liên kết)
字詞 【馬祖島】{...}釋義 島名。位於福建省閩江口東北,屬連江縣。簡稱為「馬祖」。由南竿、北竿、大坵、高登、西引等十九個小島組成,總面積三十四平方公里,控福州對外交通的要衝,扼閩江出入的門戶。{...}
地政事務所名稱(代碼) 連江(ZA) 鄉鎮市區名稱(代碼) 北竿鄉(02) 段 小段 代碼 備註{...}大坵 0020