Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (Volapük Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Johann Wolfgang von Goethe" in Volapük language version.

Global rank Volapük rank
3rd place
3rd place
1,295th place
193rd place
2,821st place
53rd place
222nd place
194th place

  • Eliot, George. 2004(1871). Middlemarch. Broadview Press. Dabükot yela 2004 peredaköl fa hiel Gregory Maertz. Noet redakana (G.M.), pad: 710.

  • Darwin, C. R. 1859. On the origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. London: John Murray. Dabükot 1id.[1]

  • Opitz, John M. 2004. Goethe's bone and the beginnings of morphology. American Journal of Medical Genetics dil: A, toum: 126A, nüm: 1, pads: 1-8.[2]