Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "動物福利" in Chinese language version.
In light - perhaps one should say darkness - of such images, it is sometimes suggested that animal welfare is exclusively a Western concern. But that is implausible, given that Buddhist tradition places more emphasis on concern for animals than Judaism, Christianity, or Islam. Long before Western philosophers included animals in their ethics, Chinese philosophers like Zhuangzi said that love should permeate relations not only between humans, but between all sentient beings. Nowadays, China has its own animal-rights campaigners, and there are signs that their message is beginning to be heard.
Resolved also :
That a Committee be appointed to adopt measures for Inspecting the Markets and Streets of the Metropolis, the Slaughter Houses, the conduct of Coachmen, etc.- etc, consisting of the following Gentlemen:
T F Buxton Esqr. MP, Richard Martin Esqr., MP, Sir James Graham, L B Allen Esqr., C C Wilson Esqr., Jno. Brogden Esqr., Alderman Brydges, A E Kendal Esqr., E Lodge Esqr., J Martin Esqr. T G Meymott Esqr.
For the past 36 years, the welfare of livestock in Australia has been supported by a series of Model Codes of Practice for the Welfare of Animals. Community values and expectations have changed, and our international trading partners have placed greater emphasis on livestock welfare. A review of the Model Codes of Practice (MCOP) in 2005 recommended they be converted into Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines.
We recently shared BIG news with the poultry industry – 100% of our chickens are transitioning to a higher-welfare, slower-growing breed by the end of 2018, which will result in a better quality, more flavorful product! We named our new, proprietary breed “Das Klassenbester” for its European descent and premium, best-in-class genetics. Our first Das Klassenbester chicks hatched on 12/1/17 and were transported to our farms on 12/4/17. Now that we’re in the midst of transitioning and people are asking me some wonderful questions, I thought I could answer a few of those questions here. Also, check the “Our Farms” tab of the website, where we are tracking our progress and illustrating some of the differences of our new breed.
On 22 July 1822, Richard Martin’s Act — or the “Act to prevent the cruel and improper treatment of Cattle” — becomes law in Parliament.
White striping is a quality factor in chicken breast meat caused by deposits of fat in the muscle during the bird’s growth and development. It is similar to marbling in red meat. White striping is not a food safety issue nor does it affect the welfare of the chicken.
⾁雞⾜墊接觸性⽪膚炎 (food-pad contact dermatitis) ⼜稱為蹠部⽪膚炎 (pododermatitis),即養雞業者所俗稱的「臭腳」,是養雞場常⾒的問題,臭腳會使雞隻疼痛,影響屠體品質,所以常被收購商扣錢。⾁雞⾜墊⽪膚炎除造成經濟利益損失,亦涉及動物福祉問題,飼養密度為可能原因之⼀,實際上,歐洲有許多個國家有限制飼養密度之規定,但⽩⾁雞⾜墊⽪膚炎問題仍⻑期存在著,顯⽰這不是單⼀原因所造成,因⾁雞多為集約飼養,⽬前提出的思維為在偏⾼(正常)飼養密度下,針對造成⾜墊⽪膚炎原因,尋求改進⽅法。
推動動物福祉是國際的趨勢,亦是民眾高度關切事項,我國雖較歐美各國起步慢,但多年來的努力已奠定相當之基礎。「動物保護法」於 87 年 11 月 4 日公布施行後,因社會風氣及民眾觀念的改變而經多次修正,本會亦致力於推動動物保護觀念的教育宣導、違法案件的稽查、寵物及寵物業的管理、絕育以源頭減量、流浪動物收容、經濟動物及實驗動物之人道管理等項工作。我國整體動物福祉現況相對「動物保護法」立法初期實有明顯進步。
Iconic chicken brand, KFC has publicly committed to sourcing their chicken to higher welfare standards by 2026, in the UK, Ireland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden and Germany.
但可能很少人知道,這五大自由是英國政府農場動物福利委員會(FAWC)於1992年所提出,而其前身則是1965年回應Ruth Harrison所著《動物機器(Animal Machine)》一書而成立之「布蘭貝爾委員會」,於訪查各地農場並聽取證詞之後,針對所有農場動物所提的建議:須有「足夠的自由」——能夠輕易轉身、整理毛髮,站、躺以及伸展四肢。
PROCLAIMS this Universal Declaration for the Welfare of Animals as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, to strive by all appropriate means to promote respect for these principles and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance.
This Directive lays down minimum standards for the protection of animals bred or kept for farming purposes. Member States shall make provision to ensure that the owners or keepers take all reasonable steps to ensure the welfare of animals under their care and to ensure that those animals are not caused any unnecessary pain, suffering or injury. Member States shall also ensure that the conditions under which animals (other than fish, reptiles or amphibians) are bred or kept, having regard to thei
How much food and water does the animal in your care need? The answer to this question depends on a number of factors. The species of the animal, their age, size, health status, and activity level are all factors that can affect how much they should be eating and drinking. Older dogs, for example should be eating less food than younger dogs, because they aren’t as active, and young puppies need to eat a lot of food so that they can grow, run and play. In addition, a cow that has a calf needs to drink a lot of water so that they can supply enough milk to their calf, whereas a cow without a calf doesn’t have to drink as much.
What is considered to be a comfortable resting area? Well, it depends! Different animal species vary in how they feel comfortable. For example, dogs might be perfectly happy resting on a dog bed on the floor, and cats may prefer to rest on the top level of a cat tree, or even in a box where they feel hidden and safe. Large animals like cows prefer to rest in areas with at least enough space to be able to lie down, turn around, and get back up again. They also like areas that are cushioned, so that its more comfortable and they don’t hurt their knees. Cold blooded animal such as snakes and lizards like the ability to rest under the glow of the sun or a heat lamp. Some animals like rabbits, rats, and hamsters feel most safe resting in hide boxes where they can’t be easily seen.
Veterinarians have special training that helps them determine what is causing pain in animals, which is a pretty tough job since animals can’t tell them what hurts! Once they know what is causing the pain, they can treat the animal, helping them to feel better. Just like people need to visit doctors, animals require checkups from their veterinarian! Going to the veterinarian on a regular basis will keep your pet healthy as it allows the veterinarian to find problems before they become troublesome. By catching problems before they start, your pet has a better chance to stay healthy. In fact, taking your pet to the veterinarian to get vaccinated is a very important part of being a responsible pet owner. Certain diseases, like rabies are quite contagious and can make animals very sick.
Just like humans, animals are also able to experience fear. Fear is not only unpleasant, but it can also have an impact on an animal’s health. An animal that is constantly exposed to conditions that make them fearful will experience poor mental and physical health. Mentally, the animal will become very alert and will regularly feel overwhelmed and worried. Physically, the animal may experience digestion issues, heart problems, and difficulty sleeping and eating. It’s important that we treat animals well and provide them with conditions that prevent them from feeling fear.
What is considered to be “normal” behavior varies from species to species. For example, coprophagy, the act of eating feces, is a very normal and essential behavior in rabbits however, it would be considered an abnormal behavior for cats. Similarly, chattering, the act of making a chirping sound at birds, is a completely normal behavior in cat but it would be considered an odd behavior if a horse was found chattering at birds! Therefore, it is important to do your research on what is considered normal behavior for your animal species. By knowing what your animal’s normal behavior is and allowing them to express it, you will be helping to improve their well-being. In addition, knowing what is an abnormal behavior for your animal will allow you to recognize when something is wrong, whether it is a result of stress, sickness, or general discontent.
In accordance with the ‘Five Freedoms’ principle, an animal’s welfare is ensured when the following five conditions are met (FAWC, 1992; 1993)
總之,無論是散養有機雞蛋、瀕臨告急的魚類,或是經動物實驗的商品,我們都是這些產品的最終消費者。這些選擇已經不再是我們私人的抉擇,而是關乎整個生態環境的選擇。甘地 (Mahatma Gandhi) 很早就提出:「地球所提供的,足以滿足每個人的需要,但不足以填滿每個人的欲望。」我們無休無止地索取,所以我們只能吃到那些充滿了激素與抗生素的雞蛋;我們毫無顧忌地濫用我們對其他物種生命擁有的管轄權,最終我們只能將自己斷送在斷鏈的生態環境中;當世界上所有的動物都對人類充滿了恐懼的時候,這世界就失去了和諧的愛。不如現在從每天的一點一滴,做一個明智的消費者,為未來的環境儲蓄更多的愛與生命。
An Act to promote the responsible care and use of animals and to protect animals from cruelty, and for other purposes.
To understand the importance of the Five Freedoms and why there were developed, let’s turn back to 1964 when Ruth Harrison, a British woman, wrote “Animal Machines.” The book described intensive livestock and poultry farming practices of the time. The outcry of the British public regarding the information in the book prompted the British government to appoint a committee to look into the welfare of farm animals. In 1965, the committee, chaired by professor Roger Brambell presented the 85-page “Report of the Technical Committee to Inquire into the Welfare of Animals Kept under Intensive Livestock Husbandry Systems,” which became known as “The Brambell Report.”
The OIE Aquatic Animal Health Code (the Aquatic Code) provides standards for the improvement of aquatic animal health worldwide. It also includes standards for the welfare of farmed fish and use of antimicrobial agents in aquatic animals. The sanitary measures in the Aquatic Code should be used by the Competent Authorities of importing and exporting countries for the prevention, early detection, reporting and control of pathogenic agents in aquatic animals (amphibians, crustaceans, fish and molluscs) and to prevent their spread via international trade in aquatic animals and their products, while avoiding unjustified sanitary barriers to trade.
永續的家畜生產系統有賴於良好的動物福利,歐盟經過長期努力自2013年1月1日起,全面廢除懷孕母豬狹欄飼養(除了母豬懷孕最初的35天外;Directive 2008/120/EC)。丹麥是歐洲地區之豬隻生產大國,豬隻產業相關單位因應歐盟法令變革,逐步發展之準備及調整轉型過程,可作為國內相關策略擬定之參考。本計畫預計參訪丹麥有關豬隻生產及動物福利議題相關研究團隊及豬場,了解丹麥豬隻生產及動物福利發展的情形、各項因應措施及轉型間發生的問題與解決的辦法;並就豬隻動物福利評估系統及相關技術發展、推廣及執行措施進行實務參訪,同步蒐集該國友善畜牧產品標章認證之相關推動經驗與發展趨勢,以利我國研擬因應相關措施。
對於具有感知能力之生物給予特別的保護,或可說是目前動物權與動物福利(Animal welfare)兩派論述的共同基礎。換言之,無論動物權擁護者或動物福利擁護者皆支持應避免使具有感知能力之動物遭受痛苦,或是應該促進這類動物的福利;只不過動物權擁護者並不滿足僅避免使這類動物遭受痛苦或為其促進福利,而是希望動物固有的尊嚴亦可能受到法律的肯定,並且具有權利主體之地位。
RSPCA member Societies enforce state and territory animal welfare legislation through their Inspectorate functions. Where incidences of animal cruelty or animal welfare concerns are reported, our Inspectors have the power to investigate and prosecute those involved.
A sow stall, also known as a gestation stall, is a metal-barred crate that houses a single sow for part of her 16‑week pregnancy. A standard sow stall is just 2m long and 60cm wide. This is just enough space for the sow to stand up in, but she cannot turn around and can only take a short step forward or back. The floor of the stall is usually concrete, with a slat-covered trench for manure at the rear. The Australian pig industry has committed to voluntarily phasing out sow stalls after the first 5 days following mating (where the sow is confined to a mating stall) in favour of group housing for pregnant sows. It is estimated that around 80% of pregnant sows in Australia are now group housed. Where sow stalls are still in place, regulation requires that they not be used for more than 6 weeks in any gestation (pregnancy) period.
Back then we were the SPCA - Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Royal patronage followed in 1837 and Queen Victoria gave permission to add the royal R in 1840, making us the RSPCA as we're known worldwide today.
人道飼養是近年國際間重視的議題,但在台灣,許多人對此觀念仍非常陌生。人道飼養的根基建立在「動物福祉」上,主要的訴求為讓動物有 5 大自由(five freedoms),當動物飼養符合了這些條件,才算是符合了人道飼養的基本要求。
The Animal Welfare Act was signed into law in 1966. It is the only Federal law in the United States that regulates the treatment of animals in research, exhibition, transport, and by dealers. Other laws, policies, and guidelines may include additional species coverage or specifications for animal care and use, but all refer to the Animal Welfare Act as the minimum acceptable standard. The Act is enforced by USDA, APHIS, Animal Care.
……A great deal of what we need to know regarding fish welfare is yet to be discovered as the scientific study of fish welfare is at an early stage compared to research efforts on other vertebrates (FSBI 2002). In all, these activities and research increase the knowledge base on the care and use of these species in aquaculture, fisheries, and the laboratory.
人道飼養是近年國際間重視的議題,但在台灣,許多人對此觀念仍非常陌生。人道飼養的根基建立在「動物福祉」上,主要的訴求為讓動物有 5 大自由(five freedoms),當動物飼養符合了這些條件,才算是符合了人道飼養的基本要求。
On 22 July 1822, Richard Martin’s Act — or the “Act to prevent the cruel and improper treatment of Cattle” — becomes law in Parliament.
Resolved also :
That a Committee be appointed to adopt measures for Inspecting the Markets and Streets of the Metropolis, the Slaughter Houses, the conduct of Coachmen, etc.- etc, consisting of the following Gentlemen:
T F Buxton Esqr. MP, Richard Martin Esqr., MP, Sir James Graham, L B Allen Esqr., C C Wilson Esqr., Jno. Brogden Esqr., Alderman Brydges, A E Kendal Esqr., E Lodge Esqr., J Martin Esqr. T G Meymott Esqr.
Back then we were the SPCA - Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Royal patronage followed in 1837 and Queen Victoria gave permission to add the royal R in 1840, making us the RSPCA as we're known worldwide today.
RSPCA member Societies enforce state and territory animal welfare legislation through their Inspectorate functions. Where incidences of animal cruelty or animal welfare concerns are reported, our Inspectors have the power to investigate and prosecute those involved.
但可能很少人知道,這五大自由是英國政府農場動物福利委員會(FAWC)於1992年所提出,而其前身則是1965年回應Ruth Harrison所著《動物機器(Animal Machine)》一書而成立之「布蘭貝爾委員會」,於訪查各地農場並聽取證詞之後,針對所有農場動物所提的建議:須有「足夠的自由」——能夠輕易轉身、整理毛髮,站、躺以及伸展四肢。
To understand the importance of the Five Freedoms and why there were developed, let’s turn back to 1964 when Ruth Harrison, a British woman, wrote “Animal Machines.” The book described intensive livestock and poultry farming practices of the time. The outcry of the British public regarding the information in the book prompted the British government to appoint a committee to look into the welfare of farm animals. In 1965, the committee, chaired by professor Roger Brambell presented the 85-page “Report of the Technical Committee to Inquire into the Welfare of Animals Kept under Intensive Livestock Husbandry Systems,” which became known as “The Brambell Report.”
In accordance with the ‘Five Freedoms’ principle, an animal’s welfare is ensured when the following five conditions are met (FAWC, 1992; 1993)
How much food and water does the animal in your care need? The answer to this question depends on a number of factors. The species of the animal, their age, size, health status, and activity level are all factors that can affect how much they should be eating and drinking. Older dogs, for example should be eating less food than younger dogs, because they aren’t as active, and young puppies need to eat a lot of food so that they can grow, run and play. In addition, a cow that has a calf needs to drink a lot of water so that they can supply enough milk to their calf, whereas a cow without a calf doesn’t have to drink as much.
What is considered to be a comfortable resting area? Well, it depends! Different animal species vary in how they feel comfortable. For example, dogs might be perfectly happy resting on a dog bed on the floor, and cats may prefer to rest on the top level of a cat tree, or even in a box where they feel hidden and safe. Large animals like cows prefer to rest in areas with at least enough space to be able to lie down, turn around, and get back up again. They also like areas that are cushioned, so that its more comfortable and they don’t hurt their knees. Cold blooded animal such as snakes and lizards like the ability to rest under the glow of the sun or a heat lamp. Some animals like rabbits, rats, and hamsters feel most safe resting in hide boxes where they can’t be easily seen.
Veterinarians have special training that helps them determine what is causing pain in animals, which is a pretty tough job since animals can’t tell them what hurts! Once they know what is causing the pain, they can treat the animal, helping them to feel better. Just like people need to visit doctors, animals require checkups from their veterinarian! Going to the veterinarian on a regular basis will keep your pet healthy as it allows the veterinarian to find problems before they become troublesome. By catching problems before they start, your pet has a better chance to stay healthy. In fact, taking your pet to the veterinarian to get vaccinated is a very important part of being a responsible pet owner. Certain diseases, like rabies are quite contagious and can make animals very sick.
Just like humans, animals are also able to experience fear. Fear is not only unpleasant, but it can also have an impact on an animal’s health. An animal that is constantly exposed to conditions that make them fearful will experience poor mental and physical health. Mentally, the animal will become very alert and will regularly feel overwhelmed and worried. Physically, the animal may experience digestion issues, heart problems, and difficulty sleeping and eating. It’s important that we treat animals well and provide them with conditions that prevent them from feeling fear.
What is considered to be “normal” behavior varies from species to species. For example, coprophagy, the act of eating feces, is a very normal and essential behavior in rabbits however, it would be considered an abnormal behavior for cats. Similarly, chattering, the act of making a chirping sound at birds, is a completely normal behavior in cat but it would be considered an odd behavior if a horse was found chattering at birds! Therefore, it is important to do your research on what is considered normal behavior for your animal species. By knowing what your animal’s normal behavior is and allowing them to express it, you will be helping to improve their well-being. In addition, knowing what is an abnormal behavior for your animal will allow you to recognize when something is wrong, whether it is a result of stress, sickness, or general discontent.
PROCLAIMS this Universal Declaration for the Welfare of Animals as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, to strive by all appropriate means to promote respect for these principles and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance.
對於具有感知能力之生物給予特別的保護,或可說是目前動物權與動物福利(Animal welfare)兩派論述的共同基礎。換言之,無論動物權擁護者或動物福利擁護者皆支持應避免使具有感知能力之動物遭受痛苦,或是應該促進這類動物的福利;只不過動物權擁護者並不滿足僅避免使這類動物遭受痛苦或為其促進福利,而是希望動物固有的尊嚴亦可能受到法律的肯定,並且具有權利主體之地位。
In light - perhaps one should say darkness - of such images, it is sometimes suggested that animal welfare is exclusively a Western concern. But that is implausible, given that Buddhist tradition places more emphasis on concern for animals than Judaism, Christianity, or Islam. Long before Western philosophers included animals in their ethics, Chinese philosophers like Zhuangzi said that love should permeate relations not only between humans, but between all sentient beings. Nowadays, China has its own animal-rights campaigners, and there are signs that their message is beginning to be heard.
A sow stall, also known as a gestation stall, is a metal-barred crate that houses a single sow for part of her 16‑week pregnancy. A standard sow stall is just 2m long and 60cm wide. This is just enough space for the sow to stand up in, but she cannot turn around and can only take a short step forward or back. The floor of the stall is usually concrete, with a slat-covered trench for manure at the rear. The Australian pig industry has committed to voluntarily phasing out sow stalls after the first 5 days following mating (where the sow is confined to a mating stall) in favour of group housing for pregnant sows. It is estimated that around 80% of pregnant sows in Australia are now group housed. Where sow stalls are still in place, regulation requires that they not be used for more than 6 weeks in any gestation (pregnancy) period.
永續的家畜生產系統有賴於良好的動物福利,歐盟經過長期努力自2013年1月1日起,全面廢除懷孕母豬狹欄飼養(除了母豬懷孕最初的35天外;Directive 2008/120/EC)。丹麥是歐洲地區之豬隻生產大國,豬隻產業相關單位因應歐盟法令變革,逐步發展之準備及調整轉型過程,可作為國內相關策略擬定之參考。本計畫預計參訪丹麥有關豬隻生產及動物福利議題相關研究團隊及豬場,了解丹麥豬隻生產及動物福利發展的情形、各項因應措施及轉型間發生的問題與解決的辦法;並就豬隻動物福利評估系統及相關技術發展、推廣及執行措施進行實務參訪,同步蒐集該國友善畜牧產品標章認證之相關推動經驗與發展趨勢,以利我國研擬因應相關措施。
簡而言之,「動物福利」的設立是希望能夠確保動物生理、心理,在自然的狀況下,都能保持健康、舒適的狀態。歐盟在動物福利上法令的進步已經領先許多國家,例如,2012年全面禁止飼養格子雞,2013年,全面禁止狹欄式養豬(sow stalls)。雖然台灣目前有動保法,在農委會也有規範人道運送、屠宰等等,但是因為腹地有限,飼養方面的規範與歐盟、澳洲等國家比較起來較爲寬鬆。
⾁雞⾜墊接觸性⽪膚炎 (food-pad contact dermatitis) ⼜稱為蹠部⽪膚炎 (pododermatitis),即養雞業者所俗稱的「臭腳」,是養雞場常⾒的問題,臭腳會使雞隻疼痛,影響屠體品質,所以常被收購商扣錢。⾁雞⾜墊⽪膚炎除造成經濟利益損失,亦涉及動物福祉問題,飼養密度為可能原因之⼀,實際上,歐洲有許多個國家有限制飼養密度之規定,但⽩⾁雞⾜墊⽪膚炎問題仍⻑期存在著,顯⽰這不是單⼀原因所造成,因⾁雞多為集約飼養,⽬前提出的思維為在偏⾼(正常)飼養密度下,針對造成⾜墊⽪膚炎原因,尋求改進⽅法。
White striping is a quality factor in chicken breast meat caused by deposits of fat in the muscle during the bird’s growth and development. It is similar to marbling in red meat. White striping is not a food safety issue nor does it affect the welfare of the chicken.
Iconic chicken brand, KFC has publicly committed to sourcing their chicken to higher welfare standards by 2026, in the UK, Ireland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden and Germany.
We recently shared BIG news with the poultry industry – 100% of our chickens are transitioning to a higher-welfare, slower-growing breed by the end of 2018, which will result in a better quality, more flavorful product! We named our new, proprietary breed “Das Klassenbester” for its European descent and premium, best-in-class genetics. Our first Das Klassenbester chicks hatched on 12/1/17 and were transported to our farms on 12/4/17. Now that we’re in the midst of transitioning and people are asking me some wonderful questions, I thought I could answer a few of those questions here. Also, check the “Our Farms” tab of the website, where we are tracking our progress and illustrating some of the differences of our new breed.
總之,無論是散養有機雞蛋、瀕臨告急的魚類,或是經動物實驗的商品,我們都是這些產品的最終消費者。這些選擇已經不再是我們私人的抉擇,而是關乎整個生態環境的選擇。甘地 (Mahatma Gandhi) 很早就提出:「地球所提供的,足以滿足每個人的需要,但不足以填滿每個人的欲望。」我們無休無止地索取,所以我們只能吃到那些充滿了激素與抗生素的雞蛋;我們毫無顧忌地濫用我們對其他物種生命擁有的管轄權,最終我們只能將自己斷送在斷鏈的生態環境中;當世界上所有的動物都對人類充滿了恐懼的時候,這世界就失去了和諧的愛。不如現在從每天的一點一滴,做一個明智的消費者,為未來的環境儲蓄更多的愛與生命。
The OIE Aquatic Animal Health Code (the Aquatic Code) provides standards for the improvement of aquatic animal health worldwide. It also includes standards for the welfare of farmed fish and use of antimicrobial agents in aquatic animals. The sanitary measures in the Aquatic Code should be used by the Competent Authorities of importing and exporting countries for the prevention, early detection, reporting and control of pathogenic agents in aquatic animals (amphibians, crustaceans, fish and molluscs) and to prevent their spread via international trade in aquatic animals and their products, while avoiding unjustified sanitary barriers to trade.
The Animal Welfare Act was signed into law in 1966. It is the only Federal law in the United States that regulates the treatment of animals in research, exhibition, transport, and by dealers. Other laws, policies, and guidelines may include additional species coverage or specifications for animal care and use, but all refer to the Animal Welfare Act as the minimum acceptable standard. The Act is enforced by USDA, APHIS, Animal Care.
……A great deal of what we need to know regarding fish welfare is yet to be discovered as the scientific study of fish welfare is at an early stage compared to research efforts on other vertebrates (FSBI 2002). In all, these activities and research increase the knowledge base on the care and use of these species in aquaculture, fisheries, and the laboratory.
An Act to promote the responsible care and use of animals and to protect animals from cruelty, and for other purposes.
For the past 36 years, the welfare of livestock in Australia has been supported by a series of Model Codes of Practice for the Welfare of Animals. Community values and expectations have changed, and our international trading partners have placed greater emphasis on livestock welfare. A review of the Model Codes of Practice (MCOP) in 2005 recommended they be converted into Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines.
This Directive lays down minimum standards for the protection of animals bred or kept for farming purposes. Member States shall make provision to ensure that the owners or keepers take all reasonable steps to ensure the welfare of animals under their care and to ensure that those animals are not caused any unnecessary pain, suffering or injury. Member States shall also ensure that the conditions under which animals (other than fish, reptiles or amphibians) are bred or kept, having regard to thei
推動動物福祉是國際的趨勢,亦是民眾高度關切事項,我國雖較歐美各國起步慢,但多年來的努力已奠定相當之基礎。「動物保護法」於 87 年 11 月 4 日公布施行後,因社會風氣及民眾觀念的改變而經多次修正,本會亦致力於推動動物保護觀念的教育宣導、違法案件的稽查、寵物及寵物業的管理、絕育以源頭減量、流浪動物收容、經濟動物及實驗動物之人道管理等項工作。我國整體動物福祉現況相對「動物保護法」立法初期實有明顯進步。
簡而言之,「動物福利」的設立是希望能夠確保動物生理、心理,在自然的狀況下,都能保持健康、舒適的狀態。歐盟在動物福利上法令的進步已經領先許多國家,例如,2012年全面禁止飼養格子雞,2013年,全面禁止狹欄式養豬(sow stalls)。雖然台灣目前有動保法,在農委會也有規範人道運送、屠宰等等,但是因為腹地有限,飼養方面的規範與歐盟、澳洲等國家比較起來較爲寬鬆。