Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "各国领导人列表" in Chinese language version.
The 14-point deal between Hamdok and the military, signed in the presidential palace in Khartoum on Sunday, also provides for the release of all political prisoners detained during the coup and stipulates that a 2019 constitutional declaration be the basis for a political transition, according to details read out on state television.
Hun Sen will however retain leadership of the ruling Cambodian People's Party - a position political analysts say still gives him ultimate control.• Murphy, Matt. Hun Sen: Cambodia election result confirms expected win for PM. BBC News. 6 August 2023 [7 August 2023].
[Hun Sen] is expected to become president of the Senate early next year and will serve as acting head of state when King Norodom Sihamoni is abroad.
The constitutional mandate of Haiti's de facto ruler, Prime Minister Ariel Henry — which some viewed as questionable from the start, as he was never technically sworn in — ended more than a year ago. The country has had no president since its last one, Jovenel Moïse, was assassinated in 2021.
Dans ce cadre [cohabitation], le caractère dyarchique (à deux têtes) de l’exécutif apparaît pleinement, puisque le chef de l'État, élu au suffrage universel direct, perd sa fonction de direction de l’exécutif au profit du Premier ministre, responsable devant l’Assemblée nationale.
On Tuesday, Henry was sworn in, pledging to hold new elections in 120 days. For now, Haiti has no president[...].