餓鬼 (Chinese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "餓鬼" in Chinese language version.

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2,959th place
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3,114th place
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4,052nd place
159th place
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9,158th place
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4,364th place
2,798th place
141st place
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low place




  • Swami Harshananda. Preta. [2017-04-18]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-16). Preta literally means ‘one who has gone away from here’. This word is generally used to indicate the disembodied spirit of a dead person, especially during the first ten days after death. In order to free it from that state, a handful of water mixed with sesame has to be offered to the deceased on a stone placed on kuśa grass and one large pirida is to be offered on kuśa grass everyday for ten days. 页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆


  • 釋振慈. 初探《阿含經》中閻王所代表意象 -以《中阿含》〈王相應品.第七〉〈天使經〉為主- (PDF). [2024-06-28]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2024-06-28). 「閻王」非佛教所獨創的語詞,而是源於《吠陀》的印度宗教觀念……古時印度認為「閻王」對於任何人擁有裁定權的絕對性,不管造善、造惡者都要死後經由他的判定……《阿含經》中「閻王」的出現,不同當時印度其他宗教所以為,人死後須經由「閻王」審判其罪刑,並且擁有對死者的裁判權。佛教則以為:人在身壞命終時,應該為自己所做的罪業負責……這類人因為生前所造作的種種惡行,死後生到閻王境界,也就是地獄,之後被閻王使者送到閻王的住所,準備接受治罪。在《雜阿含》也提出,生地獄就是生前行十不善業之人。如依上面所列的條件,並不是每個人死後都會見到「閻王」,這與印度教以為凡是死者,不論生前行善或造惡,都要見閻王的說法,有不一致之處,至少善人在佛教認為是不必見到「閻王」的另一類人,他們已隨善業往生善處。 








  • Do ghosts and spirits exist in Hindu beliefs?. [2017-04-18]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-06). When a person dies then he becomes a preta (Ghost). Generally this phase is temporary and as soon as the funeral rites are over, the preta state is over and the jiva then gets the status of Pitru (manes or forefathers). However, if the funeral rites are not duly performed or the death and actions of the person is not good then he may get stuck in the limbo or preta phase 页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆



  • Do ghosts and spirits exist in Hindu beliefs?. [2017-04-18]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-06). When a person dies then he becomes a preta (Ghost). Generally this phase is temporary and as soon as the funeral rites are over, the preta state is over and the jiva then gets the status of Pitru (manes or forefathers). However, if the funeral rites are not duly performed or the death and actions of the person is not good then he may get stuck in the limbo or preta phase 页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  • Swami Harshananda. Preta. [2017-04-18]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-16). Preta literally means ‘one who has gone away from here’. This word is generally used to indicate the disembodied spirit of a dead person, especially during the first ten days after death. In order to free it from that state, a handful of water mixed with sesame has to be offered to the deceased on a stone placed on kuśa grass and one large pirida is to be offered on kuśa grass everyday for ten days. 页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  • 印順. 華雨集第四冊-三 鬼與地獄. [2017-04-18]. (原始内容存档于2017-04-17). 页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  • 貪瞋癡三毒. [2024-06-28]. (原始内容存档于2024-06-28). 
  • 蒲慕州. 《舊社會,新信仰》:早期佛教對鬼魂的馴服. [2024-06-28]. (原始内容存档于2024-06-28). 
  • 林崇安. 夜叉是天趣或鬼趣略探 (PDF). [2017-04-19]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2021-01-17). 页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  • 14. 聽說人死後就變成鬼了,這是真的嗎?. MOKSHAH 解脫協會. [2024-06-28]. (原始内容存档于2024-06-28). 
  • 釋振慈. 初探《阿含經》中閻王所代表意象 -以《中阿含》〈王相應品.第七〉〈天使經〉為主- (PDF). [2024-06-28]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2024-06-28). 「閻王」非佛教所獨創的語詞,而是源於《吠陀》的印度宗教觀念……古時印度認為「閻王」對於任何人擁有裁定權的絕對性,不管造善、造惡者都要死後經由他的判定……《阿含經》中「閻王」的出現,不同當時印度其他宗教所以為,人死後須經由「閻王」審判其罪刑,並且擁有對死者的裁判權。佛教則以為:人在身壞命終時,應該為自己所做的罪業負責……這類人因為生前所造作的種種惡行,死後生到閻王境界,也就是地獄,之後被閻王使者送到閻王的住所,準備接受治罪。在《雜阿含》也提出,生地獄就是生前行十不善業之人。如依上面所列的條件,並不是每個人死後都會見到「閻王」,這與印度教以為凡是死者,不論生前行善或造惡,都要見閻王的說法,有不一致之處,至少善人在佛教認為是不必見到「閻王」的另一類人,他們已隨善業往生善處。 
  • 中元普度 撫慰亡靈. 民間習俗. [2024-06-28]. (原始内容存档于2024-06-28). 



  • 增支部10集177經》:「若奴索尼婆羅門對世尊這麼說:「喬達摩先生!我們婆羅門施與布施,我們作亡者供養會(巴利語:Saddha,梵語:Śrāddha英语Śrāddha):『願這布施對親族、親屬的亡者(petā)有益!願親族、親屬的亡者們食用這布施!』喬達摩先生!是否那布施對親族、親屬的亡者有益?是否親族、親屬的亡者們食用那布施?……死後往生到餓鬼界,因為那樣,餓鬼界眾生的食物使他在那裡生存、在那裡存續,抑或從此處的朋友、同僚、親族、親屬呈獻,因為那樣,使他在那裡生存、在那裡存續,婆羅門!這是可能的情況,布施對該處生存者有益」
  • 大毗婆沙論》:「問:亦有人所承事以為天者,如筏栗達那神(Vardhana,《翻梵語》:「柭陀那神女(譯曰長也)」)、旃稚迦英语Chandi神(Caṇḍikā)、旃荼履迦神(Caṇḍālikā)、布刺拏跋達羅神(Pūrṇabhadra,富那跋陀)、摩尼跋達羅英语Manibhadra神(Manibhadra)、訶利底神(鬼子母)、末度塞建陀神(Madhuskandha,摩頭息揵大、蜜膊;或作Sīvaka yakkha,尸呵、尸婆)等,為是天趣為鬼趣耶?若是天趣,何故奪人精氣,亦斷人命,受人祠祀?以諸天觀人飲食猶如糞穢,不應貪餮以為香美故。……答:有說,彼是天趣。問:若爾何故奪人精氣,亦斷人命受人祠祀耶?答:彼無是事。但彼所領鬼神有奪人精氣等事。如是說者,彼是鬼趣。」
