Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "1978年10月教宗選舉秘密會議" in Chinese language version.
John Paul I, Latin Johannes Paulus, original name Albino Luciani (born October 17, 1912, Forno di Canale, Italy—died September 28, 1978, Rome), pope whose 33-day pontificate in 1978 was the shortest in modern times.
His [Pope John Paul I] sudden death, the apparent result of a heart attack, led to rumours of foul play.
14 October 1978 to 16 October 1978
Dean: Carlo Confalonieri †; Age: 85.2
Vice-Dean: Paolo Marella †; Age: 83.7
Camerlengo (Chamberlain): Jean-Marie Villot †; Age: 73.0
Elected Pope: John Paul II (St. Karol Józef Wojtyła †); Age: 58.4...St. Karol Józef Wojtyła †, Archbishop of Kraków {Cracow}, Poland; Age: 58.4
Non-voting (Age):...Count: 15
Participated:...Count: 111
[Ambrogio] Piazzoni told reporters the 15-day rule [of conclave] was established by Pope Benedict XV in 1914.
Ambrogio Piazzoni, vice prefect of the Vatican Library and author of the book, "History of Papal Elections," told reporters his interpretation of the document is that the 15 days is tied exclusively to the arrival of the cardinals, who could begin the conclave earlier if they were all assembled.
Patres Cardinales, cum octogesimum aetatis annum conficiunt... ius amittunt Romanum Pontificem eligendi atque adeo etiam ius in Conclave ingrediendi. Si quis vero Cardinalis inter Conclave octogesimum aetatis annum compleat, iure Romanum Pontificem eligendi frui hac vice pergit.
14 October 1978 to 16 October 1978
Dean: Carlo Confalonieri †; Age: 85.2
Vice-Dean: Paolo Marella †; Age: 83.7
Camerlengo (Chamberlain): Jean-Marie Villot †; Age: 73.0
John Paul I, Latin Johannes Paulus, original name Albino Luciani (born October 17, 1912, Forno di Canale, Italy—died September 28, 1978, Rome), pope whose 33-day pontificate in 1978 was the shortest in modern times.
Elected Pope: John Paul II (St. Karol Józef Wojtyła †); Age: 58.4...St. Karol Józef Wojtyła †, Archbishop of Kraków {Cracow}, Poland; Age: 58.4
His [Pope John Paul I] sudden death, the apparent result of a heart attack, led to rumours of foul play.
Patres Cardinales, cum octogesimum aetatis annum conficiunt... ius amittunt Romanum Pontificem eligendi atque adeo etiam ius in Conclave ingrediendi. Si quis vero Cardinalis inter Conclave octogesimum aetatis annum compleat, iure Romanum Pontificem eligendi frui hac vice pergit.
Non-voting (Age):...Count: 15
Participated:...Count: 111
[Ambrogio] Piazzoni told reporters the 15-day rule [of conclave] was established by Pope Benedict XV in 1914.
Ambrogio Piazzoni, vice prefect of the Vatican Library and author of the book, "History of Papal Elections," told reporters his interpretation of the document is that the 15 days is tied exclusively to the arrival of the cardinals, who could begin the conclave earlier if they were all assembled.