Page 123 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), Technology Best Practices, By Robert H. Spencer, Randolph P. Johnston, Dependency Walker is a well-recognized profiling tool that is freeware developed by Steve Miller, a Microsoft developer, who keeps this utility up-to-date with the latest Microsoft operating system releases...
Tool 'depends' - Depends.exe (1/1) By Steve Miller, 19/11/1997 -, Google Groups, For starters, there are two separate applications called "depends.exe". One is a console application written by Matt Pietrek for MSJ magazine (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) ), the other one is a GUI application I wrote for Microsoft. They both do similar things, but are unrelated (I did not know about Matt's version and I don't believe he knew about mine)....The GUI version, named Dependency Walker, shipped in the Win32 SDK, NT 4.0 Resource Kit, MSDN,...My site contains the complete version of Dependency Walker 1.0...
Tool 'depends' - Depends.exe (1/1) By Steve Miller, 19/11/1997 -, Google Groups, For starters, there are two separate applications called "depends.exe". One is a console application written by Matt Pietrek for MSJ magazine (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) ), the other one is a GUI application I wrote for Microsoft. They both do similar things, but are unrelated (I did not know about Matt's version and I don't believe he knew about mine)....The GUI version, named Dependency Walker, shipped in the Win32 SDK, NT 4.0 Resource Kit, MSDN,...My site contains the complete version of Dependency Walker 1.0...
Page 123 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), Technology Best Practices, By Robert H. Spencer, Randolph P. Johnston, Dependency Walker is a well-recognized profiling tool that is freeware developed by Steve Miller, a Microsoft developer, who keeps this utility up-to-date with the latest Microsoft operating system releases...
Tool 'depends' - Depends.exe (1/1) By Steve Miller, 19/11/1997 -, Google Groups, For starters, there are two separate applications called "depends.exe". One is a console application written by Matt Pietrek for MSJ magazine (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) ), the other one is a GUI application I wrote for Microsoft. They both do similar things, but are unrelated (I did not know about Matt's version and I don't believe he knew about mine)....The GUI version, named Dependency Walker, shipped in the Win32 SDK, NT 4.0 Resource Kit, MSDN,...My site contains the complete version of Dependency Walker 1.0...