Foster, Lawrence G., Robert Wood Johnson: the gentleman rebel, (1st ed.), Lillian Press, ISBN0-9662882-0-3, ISBN978-0-9662882-0-9 (1999), p. 256, 263-264:小型規模戰爭工業公司由工業大亨羅伯特·伍德·約翰遜二世(英语:Robert Wood Johnson II)擔任主持,他獲委員會任命為準將。約翰遜以駁回服務分支機構的生產項目請求為由,以有限工具的小型企業可以更快或更經濟地生產設計,為私營企業騰出材料以開始轉變為和平時期的商品生產而聞名。(原文:The SWPC was chaired by industrial tycoon Robert Wood Johnson II, who was given a commission as a brigadier general. Johnson was known for overruling production item requests by the service branches in favor of designs that could be produced more quickly or more economically by small businesses with limited tooling, freeing up material for private industry to begin a reconversion to peacetime goods production.)