Span与div (Chinese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Span与div" in Chinese language version.

Global rank Chinese rank
6th place
4th place

  • Harold, Elliotte Rusty. Refactoring HTML. Addison Wesley. 2008: 133. ISBN 0-321-50363-5. HTML does not have individual elements representing these uses. Instead they should be indicated by a span or div element whose class attribute indicates the reason for formatting the text as italic: [example ...] <span class="species">... 
  • Harold, Elliotte Rusty. Refactoring HTML. Addison Wesley. 2008: 184. ISBN 0-321-50363-5. There is no simple way to find all the unidentified lists in a site. [...] They can be marked up in dozens of different ways: as paragraphs, divs, tables, [etc]. Once you've found a list, marking up the individual items is easy. Just use ul, ol, or dl instead of the current wrapper element. [...] For example to remove the bullets add this rule to the page's CSS stylesheet: [...]