Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "丙酸睾酮/戊酸睾酮/十一烯酸睾酮" in Chinese language version.
Triolandren, CIBA; 250 mg of this preparation contains 20 mg of testosterone propionate, 80 mg of testosterone-n-valerianate, and 150 mg of testoster- one undecylenate—250 mg thus contains 173.8 mg of testosterone; the remaining 76.2 mg consists of the ester components [...]
Triolandren®, for intramuscular use, kindly supplied by Ciba, Basel, through Kobro 8c Co., Oslo, containing three different testosterone esters, in the following amounts of testosterone equivalents per ml oil: propionate 20 mg; valerate 80 mg; undecylenate 150 mg.
Triolandren, CIBA; 250 mg of this preparation contains 20 mg of testosterone propionate, 80 mg of testosterone-n-valerianate, and 150 mg of testoster- one undecylenate—250 mg thus contains 173.8 mg of testosterone; the remaining 76.2 mg consists of the ester components [...]
Triolandren®, for intramuscular use, kindly supplied by Ciba, Basel, through Kobro 8c Co., Oslo, containing three different testosterone esters, in the following amounts of testosterone equivalents per ml oil: propionate 20 mg; valerate 80 mg; undecylenate 150 mg.
Triolandren, CIBA; 250 mg of this preparation contains 20 mg of testosterone propionate, 80 mg of testosterone-n-valerianate, and 150 mg of testoster- one undecylenate—250 mg thus contains 173.8 mg of testosterone; the remaining 76.2 mg consists of the ester components [...]