乔治湖 (新南威尔士) (Chinese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "乔治湖 (新南威尔士)" in Chinese language version.

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  • Cartwright, Sarah; Gary Jones. By George, It Really Is a Lake! (PDF). Watershed, Issue No. 27 - August 2002. Co-operative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology. 2002 [2007-10-23]. (原始内容 (pdf (see pages 9 - 10))存档于2007-08-31). Lake George, one of the world's oldest lakes, is shallow and has a history of dramatically fluctuating water levels, despite being closed with no outlet. Originally there was no lake at all, and water drained from the Great Dividing Range west to the Yass River. That was before geological uplift, five million years ago, which formed the Lake George Range — a natural dam blocking the creeks. 


  • Cartwright, Sarah; Gary Jones. By George, It Really Is a Lake! (PDF). Watershed, Issue No. 27 - August 2002. Co-operative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology. 2002 [2007-10-23]. (原始内容 (pdf (see pages 9 - 10))存档于2007-08-31). Lake George, one of the world's oldest lakes, is shallow and has a history of dramatically fluctuating water levels, despite being closed with no outlet. Originally there was no lake at all, and water drained from the Great Dividing Range west to the Yass River. That was before geological uplift, five million years ago, which formed the Lake George Range — a natural dam blocking the creeks.