Wytwycky, Wasyl. Leontovych, Mykola. Internet Encyclopaedia of Ukraine. Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies. [2022-12-02]. (原始内容存档于2021-12-18).
Almond, B.J. (December 13, 2004). "'Carol of the Bells' wasn't originally a Christmas song (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)"; Peresunko T. 100 years of Ukraine's cultural diplomacy: European mission of Ukrainian Republican Chapel (1919-1921)/Kyiv-Mohyla Humanity Journal, vol 5. 2019. – С. 69–89. Rice University via EurekAlert! Retrieved December 21, 2015.
Vysotska, Kateryna. Brodz, Olena; Koshelnyk, Maryna , 编. Микола Леонтович: музична легенда Поділля [Mykola Leontovych: a musical legend of Podillia](PDF). Materials of the Scientific and Practical Conference for the 140th Anniversary of the Birth of M. D. Leontovich, December 13, 2017 (Vinnytsia, Ukraine: Vinnytsia Regional Museum of Local Lore). 2019 [17 November 2022]. (原始内容存档(PDF)于2022-12-09) (乌克兰语).
Wytwycky, Wasyl. Leontovych, Mykola. Internet Encyclopaedia of Ukraine. Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies. [2022-12-02]. (原始内容存档于2021-12-18).
Vysotska, Kateryna. Brodz, Olena; Koshelnyk, Maryna , 编. Микола Леонтович: музична легенда Поділля [Mykola Leontovych: a musical legend of Podillia](PDF). Materials of the Scientific and Practical Conference for the 140th Anniversary of the Birth of M. D. Leontovich, December 13, 2017 (Vinnytsia, Ukraine: Vinnytsia Regional Museum of Local Lore). 2019 [17 November 2022]. (原始内容存档(PDF)于2022-12-09) (乌克兰语).
Almond, B.J. (December 13, 2004). "'Carol of the Bells' wasn't originally a Christmas song (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)"; Peresunko T. 100 years of Ukraine's cultural diplomacy: European mission of Ukrainian Republican Chapel (1919-1921)/Kyiv-Mohyla Humanity Journal, vol 5. 2019. – С. 69–89. Rice University via EurekAlert! Retrieved December 21, 2015.