伊布力斯 (Chinese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "伊布力斯" in Chinese language version.

Global rank Chinese rank
1st place
1st place
3rd place
8th place
1,785th place
2,159th place
5th place
12th place
low place
low place
204th place
124th place




  • Caryl, Christian. The Small Sects Under Fire | Christian Caryl. The New York Review. [2022-09-14]. ISSN 0028-7504. (原始内容存档于2022-12-03) (英语). Unfortunately, as Russell notes, the Yazidis also identify this most potent of angels with Azazael or Iblis, “which in the Muslim tradition (and the Jewish and Christian ones, for that matter) are names for the greatest of angels, who rebelled against God and was cast down into hell—in short, the devil.” This is why, over the centuries, many outsiders have unjustly accused the Yazidis of being “devil worshipers.” Of such nuances is religious hatred born. 


  • Simon, Ed. The Great God Pan Still Lives. The Revealer. 2016-01-25 [2022-09-14]. (原始内容存档于2022-09-14) (美国英语). As are the Yazidis who pray to Melek Taus. This deity, often conflated with both Satan and Iblis, is a formerly malevolent peacock god who redeemed himself in an act of divine apocatastasis, his tears quenching the flames of hell which elevated him to the most beloved in the eyes of God. 


  • بكر/السيوطي, جلال الدين عبد الرحمن بن أبي. تفسير السيوطي (الدر المنثور في التفسير بالمأثور) 1-7 ج4. Dar Al Kotob Al Ilmiyah دار الكتب العلمية. 2015-01-01: 413 [2022-09-14]. (原始内容存档于2022-09-14) (阿拉伯语). 
  • Caryl, Christian. The Small Sects Under Fire | Christian Caryl. The New York Review. [2022-09-14]. ISSN 0028-7504. (原始内容存档于2022-12-03) (英语). Unfortunately, as Russell notes, the Yazidis also identify this most potent of angels with Azazael or Iblis, “which in the Muslim tradition (and the Jewish and Christian ones, for that matter) are names for the greatest of angels, who rebelled against God and was cast down into hell—in short, the devil.” This is why, over the centuries, many outsiders have unjustly accused the Yazidis of being “devil worshipers.” Of such nuances is religious hatred born. 
  • Simon, Ed. The Great God Pan Still Lives. The Revealer. 2016-01-25 [2022-09-14]. (原始内容存档于2022-09-14) (美国英语). As are the Yazidis who pray to Melek Taus. This deity, often conflated with both Satan and Iblis, is a formerly malevolent peacock god who redeemed himself in an act of divine apocatastasis, his tears quenching the flames of hell which elevated him to the most beloved in the eyes of God. 
  • Knipp, Kersten. 安静 , 编. 伊拉克雅兹迪人生死攸关 | DW | 06.08.2014. DW.COM. 德國之聲. [2022-09-14]. (原始内容存档于2022-09-14) (中文(中国大陆)). 


  • Caryl, Christian. The Small Sects Under Fire | Christian Caryl. The New York Review. [2022-09-14]. ISSN 0028-7504. (原始内容存档于2022-12-03) (英语). Unfortunately, as Russell notes, the Yazidis also identify this most potent of angels with Azazael or Iblis, “which in the Muslim tradition (and the Jewish and Christian ones, for that matter) are names for the greatest of angels, who rebelled against God and was cast down into hell—in short, the devil.” This is why, over the centuries, many outsiders have unjustly accused the Yazidis of being “devil worshipers.” Of such nuances is religious hatred born.