Adolf Berle; Gardiner Means. The Modern Corporation and Private Property. Transaction Publishers. 1 January 1991. ISBN 978-1-4128-1553-6.In this book, Berle and Means observe, "Corporations have ceased to be merely legal devices through which the private business transactions of individuals may be carried on. Though still much used for this purpose, the corporate form has acquired a much larger significance. The corporation has, in fact, become both a method of property tenure and a means of organizing economic life. Grown to tremendous proportions, there may be said to have evolved a 'corporate system'—as there once was a feudal system—which has attracted to itself a combination of attributes and powers, and has attained a degree of prominence entitling it to be dealt with as a major social institution. ... We are examining this institution probably before it has attained its zenith. Spectacular as its rise has been, every indication seems to be that the system will move forward to proportions which stagger imagination today ... They [management] have placed the community in a position to demand that the modern corporation serve not only the owners ... but all society."
Silvia Peppoloni and Giuseppe Di Capua (Eds), Geoethics and geological culture. Reflections from the Geoitalia Conference 2011, 2012. Annals of Geophysics, Vol. 55, No 3 (Special Issue), ISSN 2037-416X: 存档副本. [2014-05-16]. (原始内容存档于2014-05-17)..
Silvia Peppoloni and Giuseppe Di Capua (Eds), Geoethics and geological culture. Reflections from the Geoitalia Conference 2011, 2012. Annals of Geophysics, Vol. 55, No 3 (Special Issue), ISSN 2037-416X: 存档副本. [2014-05-16]. (原始内容存档于2014-05-17)..