Book by Book: Acts, What About Jesus?, Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, "The Book of Acts indeed tells of the acts of the Apostles Peter and Paul and others. But a more accurate title of the book would be 'The Acts of the Holy Spirit.' It is the Spirit's work that the book relates."
Book by Book: Acts, What About Jesus?, Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, "It is commonly accepted that Luke, the doctor, is the author of Acts as well as the third Gospel. From the “we sections” of Acts we know that Luke was an eyewitness of many of the events he relates. He was with Paul at Philippi (ch.16); he accompanied Paul to Jerusalem (chs. 20-21); he sailed with Paul on the shipwrecked voyage to Rome (chs.27-28). The events that he did not witness himself he had opportunity to hear about first-hand from Paul, Barnabas and the other church leaders. We can be sure that he “carefully investigated everything” before he recorded it in Acts, just as he did before writing his Gospel [Luke 1:3]...The place of writing is not mentioned in Acts, but many scholars think the book was written in Rome. Acts ends with Paul awaiting trial in Rome. Since this is told in one of the “we sections,” Luke was with him in Rome. This may suggest that Luke wrote Acts while still in Rome. Acts was probably written about 61-63 A.D. These are the approximate years of Paul's Roman imprisonment while awaiting trial as told in the last chapter of Acts. The sudden ending of the book makes it sound like the book was written at the end of his imprisonment."
Book by Book: Luke, What About Jesus?, Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, "It is evident that the third Gospel and the Book of Acts were written by the same person. This is commonly accepted for the following reasons: ...The style of writing in the two books seems to show that the same man wrote both books. If we can learn who wrote the Book of Acts, then we will know at the same time the author of the third Gospel. By carefully studying the Book of Acts and certain passages from three of Paul's Epistles, we can discover that Luke must have been the author of Acts. "
Book by Book: Acts, What About Jesus?, Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod
Book by Book: Acts, What About Jesus?, Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, "Theme: “THE WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT THROUGH THE APOSTLES”...Notice that this theme and outline is derived from Jesus' words in 1:8."