功利主義 (Chinese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "功利主義" in Chinese language version.

Global rank Chinese rank
1st place
1st place
471st place
1,130th place
179th place
275th place
6th place
4th place
low place
756th place
low place
563rd place
26th place
113th place
2nd place
23rd place
351st place
20th place
27th place
30th place
281st place
395th place









  • 卡尔·马克思. 第二十二章 将剩余价值转化为资本. 马恩全集第二十三卷. 中国共产党新闻网. [2019-04-21]. (原始内容存档于2018-03-29). 古典经济学从来就喜欢把社会资本看成一个有固定作用程度的固定量。不过这种偏见只是在庸人的鼻祖耶利米·边沁手里,即在十九世纪资产阶级平庸理智的这个枯燥乏味的、迂腐不堪的、夸夸其谈的圣哲手里,才确立为教条。[注:参看耶·边沁《惩罚和奖赏的理论》,厄·杜蒙编,1826年巴黎第3版第2卷第4册第2章。]边沁在哲学家中的地位,就象马丁·塔波尔在诗人中的地位一样。他们两人只有在英国才能制造出来。[注:耶利米·边沁纯粹是一种英国的现象。在任何时代,任何国家里,都不曾有一个哲学家,就连我们的哲学家克利斯提安·沃尔弗也算在内,曾如此洋洋得意地谈论这些庸俗不堪的东西。效用原则并不是边沁的发明。他不过把爱尔维修和十八世纪其他法国人的才气横溢的言论枯燥无味地重复一下而已。假如我们想知道什么东西对狗有用,我们就必须探究狗的本性。这种本性本身是不能从“效用原则”中虚构出来的。如果我们想把这一原则运用到人身上来,想根据效用原则来评价人的一切行为、运动和关系等等,就首先要研究人的一般本性,然后要研究在每个时代历史地发生了变化的人的本性。但是边沁不管这些。他幼稚而乏味地把现代的市侩,特别是英国的市侩说成是标准的人。凡是对这种标准的人和他的世界有用的东西,本身就是有用的。他还用这种尺度来评价过去、现在和将来。例如基督教是“有用的”,因为它对刑法从法律方面所宣判的罪行,从宗教方面严加禁止。艺术批评是“有害的”,因为它妨碍贵人们去欣赏马丁·塔波尔的作品,如此等等。这位勇敢的人的座右铭是“没有一天不动笔”[204],他就用这些废话写出了堆积如山的书。如果我有我的朋友亨·海涅那样的勇气,我就要把耶利米先生称为资产阶级蠢才中的一个天才。] 



  • White, Stuart, Zalta, Edward N. , 编, Social Minimum, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Winter 2015 (Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University), 2015 [2018-10-03], (原始内容存档于2019-03-18) 
  • Briggs, Rachael, Edward N. Zalta , 编, Normative Theories of Rational Choice: Expected Utility, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Spring 2017 (Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University), 2017 [November 15, 2017], (原始内容存档于2019-04-29), One objection to this interpretation of utility is that there may not be a single good (or indeed any good) which rationality requires us to seek. But if we understand “utility” broadly enough to include all potentially desirable ends—pleasure, knowledge, friendship, health and so on—it's not clear that there is a unique correct way to make the tradeoffs between different goods so that each outcome receives a utility. There may be no good answer to the question of whether the life of an ascetic monk contains more or less good than the life of a happy libertine—but assigning utilities to these options forces us to compare them. 




  • 甘绍平. 甘绍平:功利主义的当代价值. 爱思想. 2010-09-17 [2019-04-21]. (原始内容存档于2019-05-13). 
  • 蒋曦. 功利主义的非正义性及其原因——罗尔斯对功利主义的批判. 新余学院学报. 2015, 20 (1): 38-41 [2019-04-21]. (原始内容存档于2019-05-14). 
  • White, Stuart, Zalta, Edward N. , 编, Social Minimum, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Winter 2015 (Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University), 2015 [2018-10-03], (原始内容存档于2019-03-18) 
  • SUMMA THEOLOGICA: Man's last end (Prima Secundae Partis, Q. 1). newadvent.org. [2019-04-21]. (原始内容存档于2011-11-05). 
  • SUMMA THEOLOGICA: Things in which man's happiness consists (Prima Secundae Partis, Q. 2). newadvent.org. [2019-04-21]. (原始内容存档于2011-12-04). 
  • SUMMA THEOLOGICA: What is happiness (Prima Secundae Partis, Q. 3). newadvent.org. [2019-04-21]. (原始内容存档于2012-01-09). 
  • SUMMA THEOLOGICA: Things that are required for happiness (Prima Secundae Partis, Q. 4). newadvent.org. [2019-04-21]. (原始内容存档于2019-05-14). 
  • SUMMA THEOLOGICA: The attainment of happiness (Prima Secundae Partis, Q. 5). newadvent.org. [2019-04-21]. (原始内容存档于2012-10-21). 
  • Briggs, Rachael, Edward N. Zalta , 编, Normative Theories of Rational Choice: Expected Utility, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Spring 2017 (Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University), 2017 [November 15, 2017], (原始内容存档于2019-04-29), One objection to this interpretation of utility is that there may not be a single good (or indeed any good) which rationality requires us to seek. But if we understand “utility” broadly enough to include all potentially desirable ends—pleasure, knowledge, friendship, health and so on—it's not clear that there is a unique correct way to make the tradeoffs between different goods so that each outcome receives a utility. There may be no good answer to the question of whether the life of an ascetic monk contains more or less good than the life of a happy libertine—but assigning utilities to these options forces us to compare them. 
  • 卡尔·马克思. 第二十二章 将剩余价值转化为资本. 马恩全集第二十三卷. 中国共产党新闻网. [2019-04-21]. (原始内容存档于2018-03-29). 古典经济学从来就喜欢把社会资本看成一个有固定作用程度的固定量。不过这种偏见只是在庸人的鼻祖耶利米·边沁手里,即在十九世纪资产阶级平庸理智的这个枯燥乏味的、迂腐不堪的、夸夸其谈的圣哲手里,才确立为教条。[注:参看耶·边沁《惩罚和奖赏的理论》,厄·杜蒙编,1826年巴黎第3版第2卷第4册第2章。]边沁在哲学家中的地位,就象马丁·塔波尔在诗人中的地位一样。他们两人只有在英国才能制造出来。[注:耶利米·边沁纯粹是一种英国的现象。在任何时代,任何国家里,都不曾有一个哲学家,就连我们的哲学家克利斯提安·沃尔弗也算在内,曾如此洋洋得意地谈论这些庸俗不堪的东西。效用原则并不是边沁的发明。他不过把爱尔维修和十八世纪其他法国人的才气横溢的言论枯燥无味地重复一下而已。假如我们想知道什么东西对狗有用,我们就必须探究狗的本性。这种本性本身是不能从“效用原则”中虚构出来的。如果我们想把这一原则运用到人身上来,想根据效用原则来评价人的一切行为、运动和关系等等,就首先要研究人的一般本性,然后要研究在每个时代历史地发生了变化的人的本性。但是边沁不管这些。他幼稚而乏味地把现代的市侩,特别是英国的市侩说成是标准的人。凡是对这种标准的人和他的世界有用的东西,本身就是有用的。他还用这种尺度来评价过去、现在和将来。例如基督教是“有用的”,因为它对刑法从法律方面所宣判的罪行,从宗教方面严加禁止。艺术批评是“有害的”,因为它妨碍贵人们去欣赏马丁·塔波尔的作品,如此等等。这位勇敢的人的座右铭是“没有一天不动笔”[204],他就用这些废话写出了堆积如山的书。如果我有我的朋友亨·海涅那样的勇气,我就要把耶利米先生称为资产阶级蠢才中的一个天才。] 
  • Marx, Karl. Chapter 24: Conversion of Surplus-Value into Capital. Das Kapital Volume One. Wikisource. 1867 [2019-04-21]. (原始内容存档于2019-04-21) (英语). With the driest naivete he takes the modern shopkeeper, especially the English shopkeeper, as the normal man. Whatever is useful to this queer normal man, and to his world, is absolutely useful. This yard-measure, then, he applies to past, present, and future. The Christian religion, e.g., is "useful," "because it forbids in the name of religion the same faults that the penal code condemns in the name of the law." Artistic criticism is "harmful," because it disturbs worthy people in their enjoyment of Martin Tupper, etc. With such rubbish has the brave fellow, with his motto, "nulla dies sine linea [no day without a line]", piled up mountains of books. 
  • Archived copy. [1 April 2011]. (原始内容存档于2011-04-05). 



  • Marx, Karl. Chapter 24: Conversion of Surplus-Value into Capital. Das Kapital Volume One. Wikisource. 1867 [2019-04-21]. (原始内容存档于2019-04-21) (英语). With the driest naivete he takes the modern shopkeeper, especially the English shopkeeper, as the normal man. Whatever is useful to this queer normal man, and to his world, is absolutely useful. This yard-measure, then, he applies to past, present, and future. The Christian religion, e.g., is "useful," "because it forbids in the name of religion the same faults that the penal code condemns in the name of the law." Artistic criticism is "harmful," because it disturbs worthy people in their enjoyment of Martin Tupper, etc. With such rubbish has the brave fellow, with his motto, "nulla dies sine linea [no day without a line]", piled up mountains of books.