卡罗尔·西多尔 (Chinese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "卡罗尔·西多尔" in Chinese language version.

Global rank Chinese rank
low place
low place
55th place
1,009th place
1st place
1st place


  • Pearson, Drew. The Washington Merry-Go-Round需要免费注册. Freeport Journal-Standard (Freeport, Illinois). January 2, 1947: 8 [2023-12-31]. (原始内容存档于2023-12-31) –通过Newspapers.com英语Newspapers.com. One thing that gripes heroic European leaders of the underground is the way collaborationists are now welcomed to the U.S.A. Rene de Chambrun, son-in-law of traitor Pierre Laval, is now applying for a passport, while Karol Sidor, one of Czekaslovakia's collaborationists, has already been granted one... 
  • Pearson, Drew. The Washington Merry-Go-Round需要免费注册. The Delta Democrat-Times (Greenville, Mississippi). January 2, 1947: 4 [August 2, 2016]. (原始内容存档于2023-12-31) –通过Newspapers.com英语Newspapers.com. One thing that gripes heroic European leaders of the underground is the way collaborationists are now welcomed to the U.S.A. Rene de Chambrun, son-in-law of traitor Pierre Laval, is now applying for a passport, while Karol Sidor, one of Czekaslovakia's collaborationists, has already been granted one... 


  • Pearson, Drew. The Washington Merry-Go-Round需要免费注册. Freeport Journal-Standard (Freeport, Illinois). January 2, 1947: 8 [2023-12-31]. (原始内容存档于2023-12-31) –通过Newspapers.com英语Newspapers.com. One thing that gripes heroic European leaders of the underground is the way collaborationists are now welcomed to the U.S.A. Rene de Chambrun, son-in-law of traitor Pierre Laval, is now applying for a passport, while Karol Sidor, one of Czekaslovakia's collaborationists, has already been granted one... 
  • Pearson, Drew. The Washington Merry-Go-Round需要免费注册. The Delta Democrat-Times (Greenville, Mississippi). January 2, 1947: 4 [August 2, 2016]. (原始内容存档于2023-12-31) –通过Newspapers.com英语Newspapers.com. One thing that gripes heroic European leaders of the underground is the way collaborationists are now welcomed to the U.S.A. Rene de Chambrun, son-in-law of traitor Pierre Laval, is now applying for a passport, while Karol Sidor, one of Czekaslovakia's collaborationists, has already been granted one... 

