Arsenault, Chris. Cuban doctors prescribe hope in Venezuela. 2012-12-31 [2013-04-24]. (原始内容存档于2020-09-21). As the article discusses, the oil-for-doctors programme has not been welcomed uncritically in Venezuela. The initial impetus for Cuban doctors' going to Venezuela was a Chavez-government welfare project called Misión Barrio Adentro(Albornoz 2006 harvnb模板錯誤: 無指向目標: CITEREFAlbornoz2006 (幫助)).
Arsenault, Chris. Cuban doctors prescribe hope in Venezuela. 2012-12-31 [2013-04-24]. (原始内容存档于2020-09-21). As the article discusses, the oil-for-doctors programme has not been welcomed uncritically in Venezuela. The initial impetus for Cuban doctors' going to Venezuela was a Chavez-government welfare project called Misión Barrio Adentro(Albornoz 2006 harvnb模板錯誤: 無指向目標: CITEREFAlbornoz2006 (幫助)).