Miller, Kenneth B.; Jeffery Hurst, William; Payne, Mark J.; Stuart, David A.; Apgar, Joan; Sweigart, Daniel S.; Ou, Boxin. Impact of Alkalization on the Antioxidant and Flavanol Content of Commercial Cocoa Powders. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2008, 56 (18): 8527–8533. PMID 18710243. doi:10.1021/jf801670p.
Steinberg, F. M.; Bearden, M. N.; Keen, C. L. Cocoa and chocolate flavonoids: Implications for cardiovascular health. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 2003, 103 (2): 215–223. PMID 12589329. doi:10.1053/jada.2003.50028.
Miller, Kenneth B.; Jeffery Hurst, William; Payne, Mark J.; Stuart, David A.; Apgar, Joan; Sweigart, Daniel S.; Ou, Boxin. Impact of Alkalization on the Antioxidant and Flavanol Content of Commercial Cocoa Powders. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2008, 56 (18): 8527–8533. PMID 18710243. doi:10.1021/jf801670p.
Steinberg, F. M.; Bearden, M. N.; Keen, C. L. Cocoa and chocolate flavonoids: Implications for cardiovascular health. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 2003, 103 (2): 215–223. PMID 12589329. doi:10.1053/jada.2003.50028.