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Song L, Jenner M, Masschelein J, Jones C, Bull MJ, Harris SR, et al. Discovery and Biosynthesis of Gladiolin: A Burkholderia gladioli Antibiotic with Promising Activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Journal of the American Chemical Society. June 2017, 139 (23): 7974–7981. PMID 28528545. doi:10.1021/jacs.7b03382.
Subík J, Behún M. Effect of bongkrekic acid on growth and metabolism of filamentous fungi. Archiv für Mikrobiologie. April 1974, 97 (1): 81–88. PMID 4857952. S2CID 11639700. doi:10.1007/BF00403048.
Ross C, Opel V, Scherlach K, Hertweck C. Biosynthesis of antifungal and antibacterial polyketides by Burkholderia gladioli in coculture with Rhizopus microsporus. Mycoses. December 2014,. 57 Suppl 3: 48–55. PMID 25250879. doi:10.1111/myc.12246.
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Subík J, Behún M. Effect of bongkrekic acid on growth and metabolism of filamentous fungi. Archiv für Mikrobiologie. April 1974, 97 (1): 81–88. PMID 4857952. S2CID 11639700. doi:10.1007/BF00403048.