Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "圣弥额尔勋章" in Chinese language version.
Louis XI founded the Order of Saint Michael in 1469. Initially, there were thirty-six knights, but their numbers increased to such a point that the order began to lose its prestige. Louis XIV reformed the order on 12 January 1665, reducing the number of knights to one hundred(路易十一在1469年设立了圣弥额尔骑士团。起初,圣弥额尔骑士团有三十六名骑士,但后来因为人数飞涨导致骑士团失去了它的名望。为此,路易十四在1665年1月12日进行了改革,将成员缩减到了100名)
the Order of Saint Michael, founded 1 August 1469 by King Louis XI(圣弥额尔骑士团,由法王路易十一设立于1469年8月1日)
On le trouve nommé, en 1549, dans un compte du trésorier de l Ordre de Saint Michel, où il est dit qu il fut délivré à messire André de Montalembert sgr d Essé, chev de l Ordre, le grand collier de l'Ordre de Saint Michel du feu comte de Languillare, dont le Roy avait fait don au dit sgr d'Essé, en le faisant et créant chevalier de son Ordre, ainsi qu'il apparaissait par son récépissé du 27 septembre de cette année(1549年,根据骑士团财务官的叙述,埃塞爵士安德烈·德·蒙塔朗贝尔阁下被授予了已故的朗圭乐尔伯爵的圣弥额尔勋章项链和勋位。国王让埃塞爵士成为了骑士团的一员,正如他在同一年9月27日记下的那样。)
about the beginning of February 1565-6, the Seigneur de Rembouillet, with a deputation from the King of France, arrived at the Palace, to present Darnley with the order of St. Michael, known as the Scallop or Cockle-shell Order, so called from the scallop shells of which the collar was composed. The investiture was performed after the celebration of mass in the Chapel-Royal(大约是1565-6那一年的二月初,德·朗布依埃爵士带着法王的代表,抵达了王宫。他们给达恩利勋爵呈上圣弥额尔勋章。这种勋章亦称贝壳勋章,因为项圈由贝壳组成。弥撒后,王家教堂举行了授勋仪式。)
the Order of Saint Michael, founded 1 August 1469 by King Louis XI(圣弥额尔骑士团,由法王路易十一设立于1469年8月1日)
about the beginning of February 1565-6, the Seigneur de Rembouillet, with a deputation from the King of France, arrived at the Palace, to present Darnley with the order of St. Michael, known as the Scallop or Cockle-shell Order, so called from the scallop shells of which the collar was composed. The investiture was performed after the celebration of mass in the Chapel-Royal(大约是1565-6那一年的二月初,德·朗布依埃爵士带着法王的代表,抵达了王宫。他们给达恩利勋爵呈上圣弥额尔勋章。这种勋章亦称贝壳勋章,因为项圈由贝壳组成。弥撒后,王家教堂举行了授勋仪式。)