夏爾·埃爾米特 (Chinese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "夏爾·埃爾米特" in Chinese language version.

Global rank Chinese rank
1st place
1st place
26th place
113th place
1,547th place
1,388th place
low place
low place
459th place
752nd place
2nd place
23rd place
low place
1,516th place
low place
low place
low place
485th place


  • Aubrey J. Kempner. On Transcendental Numbers [论超越数]. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society (American Mathematical Society). October 1916, 17 (4): 476–482. JSTOR 1988833. doi:10.2307/1988833 (英语). 


  • Halsted, George. Biography: Charles Hermite [人物传:夏尔·埃尔米特]. 美国数学月刊(The American Mathematical Monthly). June - July, 8: 131–133 [2015-12-31]. (原始内容存档于2019-05-21) (英语). The French geometer had the good fortune not granted all great men to see recognized in his lifetime by the scientific world his extraordinary merit. The 24th of December, 1892, his sixtieth birthday, the friends, the disciples, the admirers of the great geometer assembled at the Sorbonne to present him the gold medal struck in his honor by international subscription.","Hermite retained to the last day of his life his privileged intelligence; but his body suffered. In a long letter of his, a few days before his death, he complained of his attacks of asthma and of the lack of appetite and of sleep: he seemed to forsee the nearness of his end... 
  • Aubrey J. Kempner. On Transcendental Numbers [论超越数]. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society (American Mathematical Society). October 1916, 17 (4): 476–482. JSTOR 1988833. doi:10.2307/1988833 (英语). 







  • J. J. O'Connor; E. F. Robertson. Charles Hermite [夏尔·埃尔米特]. 苏格兰圣安德鲁斯大学(University of St Andrews, Scotland). [2016-01-01]. (原始内容存档于2019-10-22) (英语). Charles Hermite's father was Ferdinand Hermite and his mother was Madeleine Lallemand. Ferdinand Hermite was a trained engineer and he worked in this capacity in a salt mine near Dieuse. After he married Madeleine he joined in the draper's trade in which her family were involved. However he was an artistic man who always wanted to pursue art as a career. He had his wife look after the draper's business and he took up art. Charles was the sixth of his parents seven children and when he was about seven years old his parents left Dieuse and went to live in Nancy to where the business had moved.","Charles was something of a worry to his parents for he had a defect in his right foot which meant that he moved around only with difficulty.","Charles attended the Collège de Nancy, then went to Paris where he attended the Collège Henri. In 1840-41 he studied at the Collège Louis-le-Grand where some fifteen years earlier Galois had studied. In fact he was taught mathematics there by Louis Richard who had taught Galois. In some ways Hermite was similar to Galois for he preferred to read papers by Euler, Gauss and Lagrange rather than work for his formal examinations.","If Hermite neglected the studies that he should have concentrated on, he was showing remarkable research ability publishing two papers while at Louis-le-Grand. Also like Galois he was attracted by the problem of solving algebraic equations and one of the two papers attempted to show that the quintic cannot be solved in radicals.","Again like Galois, Hermite wanted to study at the École Polytechnique and he took a year preparing for the examinations. He was tutored by Catalan in 1841-42 and certainly Hermite fared better than Galois had done for he passed. However it was not a glorious pass for he only attained sixty-eighth place in the ordered list. After one year at the École Polytechnique Hermite was refused the right to continue his studies because of his disability. Clearly this was an unfair decision and some important people were prepared to take up his case and fight for him to have the right to continue as a student at the École Polytechnique. The decision was reversed so that he could continue his studies but strict conditions were imposed. Hermite did not find these conditions acceptable and decided that he would not graduate from the École Polytechnique.","Hermite made friends with important mathematicians at this time and frequently visited Joseph Bertrand. On a personal note this was highly significant for he would marry Joseph Bertrand's sister...he began corresponding with Jacobi and...he was already producing research which was ranking as a leading world-class mathematician.","...show that Hermite had discovered some differential equations satisfied by theta-functions and he was using Fourier series to study them. He had found general solutions to the equations in terms of theta-functions...it is likely that his ideas from around 1843 helped Liouville to his important 1844 results which include the result now known as Liouville's theorem.","After spending five years working towards his degree he took and passed the examinations for the baccalauréat and licence which he was awarded in 1847. In the following year he was appointed to the École Polytechnique, the institution which had tried to prevent him continuing his studies some four years earlier; he was appointed répétiteur and admissions examiner.","On 14 July 1856 Hermite was elected to the Académie des Sciences. However, despite this achievement, 1856 was a bad year for Hermite for he contracted smallpox. It was Cauchy who, with his strong religious conviction, helped Hermite through the crisis. 




  • J. J. O'Connor; E. F. Robertson. Charles Hermite [夏尔·埃尔米特]. 苏格兰圣安德鲁斯大学(University of St Andrews, Scotland). [2016-01-01]. (原始内容存档于2019-10-22) (英语). Charles Hermite's father was Ferdinand Hermite and his mother was Madeleine Lallemand. Ferdinand Hermite was a trained engineer and he worked in this capacity in a salt mine near Dieuse. After he married Madeleine he joined in the draper's trade in which her family were involved. However he was an artistic man who always wanted to pursue art as a career. He had his wife look after the draper's business and he took up art. Charles was the sixth of his parents seven children and when he was about seven years old his parents left Dieuse and went to live in Nancy to where the business had moved.","Charles was something of a worry to his parents for he had a defect in his right foot which meant that he moved around only with difficulty.","Charles attended the Collège de Nancy, then went to Paris where he attended the Collège Henri. In 1840-41 he studied at the Collège Louis-le-Grand where some fifteen years earlier Galois had studied. In fact he was taught mathematics there by Louis Richard who had taught Galois. In some ways Hermite was similar to Galois for he preferred to read papers by Euler, Gauss and Lagrange rather than work for his formal examinations.","If Hermite neglected the studies that he should have concentrated on, he was showing remarkable research ability publishing two papers while at Louis-le-Grand. Also like Galois he was attracted by the problem of solving algebraic equations and one of the two papers attempted to show that the quintic cannot be solved in radicals.","Again like Galois, Hermite wanted to study at the École Polytechnique and he took a year preparing for the examinations. He was tutored by Catalan in 1841-42 and certainly Hermite fared better than Galois had done for he passed. However it was not a glorious pass for he only attained sixty-eighth place in the ordered list. After one year at the École Polytechnique Hermite was refused the right to continue his studies because of his disability. Clearly this was an unfair decision and some important people were prepared to take up his case and fight for him to have the right to continue as a student at the École Polytechnique. The decision was reversed so that he could continue his studies but strict conditions were imposed. Hermite did not find these conditions acceptable and decided that he would not graduate from the École Polytechnique.","Hermite made friends with important mathematicians at this time and frequently visited Joseph Bertrand. On a personal note this was highly significant for he would marry Joseph Bertrand's sister...he began corresponding with Jacobi and...he was already producing research which was ranking as a leading world-class mathematician.","...show that Hermite had discovered some differential equations satisfied by theta-functions and he was using Fourier series to study them. He had found general solutions to the equations in terms of theta-functions...it is likely that his ideas from around 1843 helped Liouville to his important 1844 results which include the result now known as Liouville's theorem.","After spending five years working towards his degree he took and passed the examinations for the baccalauréat and licence which he was awarded in 1847. In the following year he was appointed to the École Polytechnique, the institution which had tried to prevent him continuing his studies some four years earlier; he was appointed répétiteur and admissions examiner.","On 14 July 1856 Hermite was elected to the Académie des Sciences. However, despite this achievement, 1856 was a bad year for Hermite for he contracted smallpox. It was Cauchy who, with his strong religious conviction, helped Hermite through the crisis. 
  • Halsted, George. Biography: Charles Hermite [人物传:夏尔·埃尔米特]. 美国数学月刊(The American Mathematical Monthly). June - July, 8: 131–133 [2015-12-31]. (原始内容存档于2019-05-21) (英语). The French geometer had the good fortune not granted all great men to see recognized in his lifetime by the scientific world his extraordinary merit. The 24th of December, 1892, his sixtieth birthday, the friends, the disciples, the admirers of the great geometer assembled at the Sorbonne to present him the gold medal struck in his honor by international subscription.","Hermite retained to the last day of his life his privileged intelligence; but his body suffered. In a long letter of his, a few days before his death, he complained of his attacks of asthma and of the lack of appetite and of sleep: he seemed to forsee the nearness of his end... 
  • 埃米尔·皮卡. Œuvres de Charles Hermite [夏尔·埃尔米特的作品] 1–4. Paris: Gauthier-Villars. 1905–1917 [2016-01-01]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-03) (法语). 
  • 学成绩不佳的数学大师─埃尔米特(Hermite). 《高中数学B版》在线课外阅读. 人民教育出版社. 2004-07-22 [2016-01-01]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-05) (中文). 
  • 埃爾米特 (Charles Hermite, 1822~1901). 李信昌 (昌爸工作坊). [2016-01-02]. (原始内容存档于2017-05-02) (中文). 
  • 王波. 夏尔·埃尔米特:数学不及格的天才数学家. 中国青年报科学网. 2010年 [2016年1月2日]. (原始内容存档于2016年3月4日) (中文). 

