Smith, Andrew T.; Xie, Yan; Hoffmann, Robert S.; Lunde, Darrin; MacKinnon, John; Wilson, Don E.; Wozencraft, W. Chris. A Guide to the Mammals of China. Princeton University Press. 2010: 251 [2018-11-30]. ISBN 1-4008-3411-2. (原始内容存档于2018-09-15).
Smith, Andrew T.; Xie, Yan; Hoffmann, Robert S.; Lunde, Darrin; MacKinnon, John; Wilson, Don E.; Wozencraft, W. Chris. A Guide to the Mammals of China. Princeton University Press. 2010: 251 [2018-11-30]. ISBN 1-4008-3411-2. (原始内容存档于2018-09-15).