Servant of God: a personal narrative, Muhammad Zafrulla Khan, 1983 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Pakistan's representative Muhammad Zafarullah Khan: "At about lunch time [on 26 November] a rumour was heard that the president [of the Assembly] did not intend to proceed to the vote that day... His excuses were flimsy, but he was adamant. At the end of the afternoon sitting he adjourned the session to Friday morning. On Thursday President Truman put through personal telephone calls to certain heads of state and persuaded them to shift their position on the question of the partition of Palestine from opposition to support."
Servant of God: a personal narrative, Muhammad Zafrulla Khan, 1983 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Pakistan's representative Muhammad Zafarullah Khan: "At about lunch time [on 26 November] a rumour was heard that the president [of the Assembly] did not intend to proceed to the vote that day... His excuses were flimsy, but he was adamant. At the end of the afternoon sitting he adjourned the session to Friday morning. On Thursday President Truman put through personal telephone calls to certain heads of state and persuaded them to shift their position on the question of the partition of Palestine from opposition to support."