安达卢斯 (Chinese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "安达卢斯" in Chinese language version.

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1st place
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8th place
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5th place
12th place
9,427th place
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low place
low place
84th place
1,440th place
2nd place
23rd place
3,633rd place
low place



  • Covington, Richard. Arndt, Robert , 编. Rediscovering Arabic Science. Saudi Aramco World (Aramco Services Company). 2007, 58 (3): 2–16 [2020-04-23]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-01). 








  • Bossong, Georg. Restle, David; Zaefferer, Dietmar , 编. Der Name al-Andalus: neue Überlegungen zu einem alten Problem [The Name al-Andalus: Revisiting an Old Problem] (PDF). Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs. Sounds and systems: studies in structure and change. (Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton). 2002, 141: 149 [2020-04-22]. ISBN 978-3-11-089465-3. ISSN 1861-4302. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2008-06-27) (德语). Only a few years after the Islamic conquest of Spain, Al-Andalus appears in coin inscriptions as the Arabic equivalent of Hispania. The traditionally held view that the etymology of this name has to do with the Vandals is shown to have no serious foundation. The phonetic, morphosyntactic, and historical problems connected with this etymology are too numerous. Mo reover, the existence of this name in various parts of central and northern Spain proves that Al-Andalus cannot be derived from this Germanic tribe. It was the original name of the Punta Marroquí cape near Tarifa; very soon, it became generalized to designate the whole Peninsula. Undoubtedly, the name is of Pre-Indo-European origin. The parts of this compound (anda and luz) are frequent in the indigenous toponymy of the Iberian Peninsula. 




  • "Para los autores árabes medievales, el término al-Andalus designa la totalidad de las zonas conquistadas - siquiera temporalmente - por tropas arabo-musulmanas en territorios actualmente pertenecientes a Portugal, Espana y Francia" ("For the medieval Arab authors, al-Andalus designates all the conquered areas - even temporarily - by Arab-Muslim troops in territories now belonging to Portugal, Spain and France"), José Ángel García de Cortázar西班牙语José Ángel García de Cortázar, V Semana de Estudios Medievales: Nájera, 1 al 5 de agosto de 1994, Gobierno de La Rioja, Instituto de Estudios Riojanos, 1995, p.52.
  • "Los arabes y musulmanes de la Edad Media aplicaron el nombre de al-andalus a todas aquellas tierras que habian formado parte del reino visigodo : la Peninsula Ibérica y la Septimania ultrapirenaica." ("The Arabs and Muslims from the Middle Ages used t he name of al-Andalus to all those lands that were formerly part of the Visigothic kingdom: the Iberian Peninsula and Septimania"), Eloy Benito Ruano西班牙语Eloy Benito Ruano, Tópicos y realidades de la Edad Media, Real Academia de la Historia, 2000, p.79.


  • O'Callaghan, Joseph F. A History of Medieval Spain. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 1983-10-31: 142 [2020-04-23]. ISBN 0801468728. OCLC 907117391. (原始内容存档于2021-01-16). 
  • Bossong, Georg. Restle, David; Zaefferer, Dietmar , 编. Der Name al-Andalus: neue Überlegungen zu einem alten Problem [The Name al-Andalus: Revisiting an Old Problem] (PDF). Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs. Sounds and systems: studies in structure and change. (Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton). 2002, 141: 149 [2020-04-22]. ISBN 978-3-11-089465-3. ISSN 1861-4302. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2008-06-27) (德语). Only a few years after the Islamic conquest of Spain, Al-Andalus appears in coin inscriptions as the Arabic equivalent of Hispania. The traditionally held view that the etymology of this name has to do with the Vandals is shown to have no serious foundation. The phonetic, morphosyntactic, and historical problems connected with this etymology are too numerous. Mo reover, the existence of this name in various parts of central and northern Spain proves that Al-Andalus cannot be derived from this Germanic tribe. It was the original name of the Punta Marroquí cape near Tarifa; very soon, it became generalized to designate the whole Peninsula. Undoubtedly, the name is of Pre-Indo-European origin. The parts of this compound (anda and luz) are frequent in the indigenous toponymy of the Iberian Peninsula.