Bates, Robin (series producer), Chesmar, Terri and Baniewicz, Rich (associate producers). The Dinosaurs! Episode 4: "Death of the Dinosaur" (TV-series). PBS Video, WHYY-TV. 1992.外部链接存在于|title= (帮助)
[Bakker, Robert T. Interview: The Dinosaurs: Death of the Dinosaur. 1990, WHYY-TV.
Hildebrand, Alan. Interview: The Dinosaurs: Death of the Dinosaur. 1992, WHYY-TV.
Milosh, Gene. Interview: The Dinosaurs: Death of the Dinosaur. 1992,(1990): WHYY-TV.
Moras, Florentine. Interview: The Dinosaurs: Death of the Dinosaur. 1992,(filmed 1990): WHYY-TV.
Penfield, Glen. Interview: The Dinosaurs: Death of the Dinosaur. 1992, WHYY-TV.