Weekly Stockton Demacrat; 5 June 1859. As quoted at this website http://1857massacre.com/MMM/WeeklyStocktonDemocrat.htm (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). "Both [Becky Dunlap] and a boy named Miram recognized dresses and a part of the jewelry belonging to their mothers, worn by the wives of John D. Lee, the Mormon Bishop of Harmony. The boy, Miram, identified his father's oxen, which are now owned by Lee.
『Pratt was called on a mission to the southern states and while he was on this mission, a lawsuit was filed by one Hector McLean, who accused Pratt of causing an estrangement between himself and his former wife, Eleanor. Although Pratt was exonerated by the court, McLean and two accomplices pursued Pratt to Alma, Arkansas, where they fired at and stabbed him. He died on 13 May 1857 and was quietly buried at what is now Fine Springs, Arkansas.(溥瑞特被召喚去南方各州宣教,而當他在宣教的時候,赫克多·麥克連(Hector McLean)控告溥瑞特。他控告溥瑞特造成他與他的前妻愛蓮娜(Eleanor)的不和。雖然溥瑞特被無罪開釋,麥克連和兩個同伴跟蹤溥瑞特到阿肯色州的阿爾瑪(Alma),在那裡他們槍殺刺死了溥瑞特。溥瑞特死於1857年5月13日,安靜地被埋葬在阿肯色州的 Fine Sprints)』,見 存档副本. [2007-01-30]. (原始内容存档于2006-12-13).。 Hector 並不滿意這個控訴案的結果,後來被在謀殺溥瑞特的案子上被定罪。請參見 存档副本. [2007-01-30]. (原始内容存档于2007-02-06). 和 存档副本. [2007-01-30]. (原始内容存档于2007-09-27)..
在屠殺事件發生後,他們決定將孩子們帶到附近的漢布林的家,但是當時漢布林並不在家。漢布林的證詞如下(問=李 的辯護律師,答=漢布林):『問: What became of the children of those emigrants? How many children were brought there?(這些移民們的孩子們後來怎樣了?有多少孩子被帶到那裡?) 答:Two to my house, and several in Cedar City. I was acting subagent for Forney. I gathered the children up for him; seventeen in number, all I could learn of.(兩個到我家,幾個到了雪松城,我當時是福尼的下屬代理人。我代替他將孩子聚集起來給他;所有我知道的有17個。) 問:Whom did you deliver them to?(你把他們送到哪裡去了?) 答:Forney, Superintendent of Indian Affairs for Utah.(福尼,猶他印地安事務監理官。)』 見 [5] (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆),也參見在本篇其他地方引用的卡爾頓的報告。
『Pratt was called on a mission to the southern states and while he was on this mission, a lawsuit was filed by one Hector McLean, who accused Pratt of causing an estrangement between himself and his former wife, Eleanor. Although Pratt was exonerated by the court, McLean and two accomplices pursued Pratt to Alma, Arkansas, where they fired at and stabbed him. He died on 13 May 1857 and was quietly buried at what is now Fine Springs, Arkansas.(溥瑞特被召喚去南方各州宣教,而當他在宣教的時候,赫克多·麥克連(Hector McLean)控告溥瑞特。他控告溥瑞特造成他與他的前妻愛蓮娜(Eleanor)的不和。雖然溥瑞特被無罪開釋,麥克連和兩個同伴跟蹤溥瑞特到阿肯色州的阿爾瑪(Alma),在那裡他們槍殺刺死了溥瑞特。溥瑞特死於1857年5月13日,安靜地被埋葬在阿肯色州的 Fine Sprints)』,見 存档副本. [2007-01-30]. (原始内容存档于2006-12-13).。 Hector 並不滿意這個控訴案的結果,後來被在謀殺溥瑞特的案子上被定罪。請參見 存档副本. [2007-01-30]. (原始内容存档于2007-02-06). 和 存档副本. [2007-01-30]. (原始内容存档于2007-09-27)..
『Pratt was called on a mission to the southern states and while he was on this mission, a lawsuit was filed by one Hector McLean, who accused Pratt of causing an estrangement between himself and his former wife, Eleanor. Although Pratt was exonerated by the court, McLean and two accomplices pursued Pratt to Alma, Arkansas, where they fired at and stabbed him. He died on 13 May 1857 and was quietly buried at what is now Fine Springs, Arkansas.(溥瑞特被召喚去南方各州宣教,而當他在宣教的時候,赫克多·麥克連(Hector McLean)控告溥瑞特。他控告溥瑞特造成他與他的前妻愛蓮娜(Eleanor)的不和。雖然溥瑞特被無罪開釋,麥克連和兩個同伴跟蹤溥瑞特到阿肯色州的阿爾瑪(Alma),在那裡他們槍殺刺死了溥瑞特。溥瑞特死於1857年5月13日,安靜地被埋葬在阿肯色州的 Fine Sprints)』,見 存档副本. [2007-01-30]. (原始内容存档于2006-12-13).。 Hector 並不滿意這個控訴案的結果,後來被在謀殺溥瑞特的案子上被定罪。請參見 存档副本. [2007-01-30]. (原始内容存档于2007-02-06). 和 存档副本. [2007-01-30]. (原始内容存档于2007-09-27)..
『Pratt was called on a mission to the southern states and while he was on this mission, a lawsuit was filed by one Hector McLean, who accused Pratt of causing an estrangement between himself and his former wife, Eleanor. Although Pratt was exonerated by the court, McLean and two accomplices pursued Pratt to Alma, Arkansas, where they fired at and stabbed him. He died on 13 May 1857 and was quietly buried at what is now Fine Springs, Arkansas.(溥瑞特被召喚去南方各州宣教,而當他在宣教的時候,赫克多·麥克連(Hector McLean)控告溥瑞特。他控告溥瑞特造成他與他的前妻愛蓮娜(Eleanor)的不和。雖然溥瑞特被無罪開釋,麥克連和兩個同伴跟蹤溥瑞特到阿肯色州的阿爾瑪(Alma),在那裡他們槍殺刺死了溥瑞特。溥瑞特死於1857年5月13日,安靜地被埋葬在阿肯色州的 Fine Sprints)』,見 存档副本. [2007-01-30]. (原始内容存档于2006-12-13).。 Hector 並不滿意這個控訴案的結果,後來被在謀殺溥瑞特的案子上被定罪。請參見 存档副本. [2007-01-30]. (原始内容存档于2007-02-06). 和 存档副本. [2007-01-30]. (原始内容存档于2007-09-27)..
Weekly Stockton Demacrat; 5 June 1859. As quoted at this website http://1857massacre.com/MMM/WeeklyStocktonDemocrat.htm (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). "Both [Becky Dunlap] and a boy named Miram recognized dresses and a part of the jewelry belonging to their mothers, worn by the wives of John D. Lee, the Mormon Bishop of Harmony. The boy, Miram, identified his father's oxen, which are now owned by Lee.
在屠殺事件發生後,他們決定將孩子們帶到附近的漢布林的家,但是當時漢布林並不在家。漢布林的證詞如下(問=李 的辯護律師,答=漢布林):『問: What became of the children of those emigrants? How many children were brought there?(這些移民們的孩子們後來怎樣了?有多少孩子被帶到那裡?) 答:Two to my house, and several in Cedar City. I was acting subagent for Forney. I gathered the children up for him; seventeen in number, all I could learn of.(兩個到我家,幾個到了雪松城,我當時是福尼的下屬代理人。我代替他將孩子聚集起來給他;所有我知道的有17個。) 問:Whom did you deliver them to?(你把他們送到哪裡去了?) 答:Forney, Superintendent of Indian Affairs for Utah.(福尼,猶他印地安事務監理官。)』 見 [5] (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆),也參見在本篇其他地方引用的卡爾頓的報告。